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OAS Secretary General Met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Portugal

  September 26, 2011

OAS Secretary General Met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Portugal
Photo: OAS

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met today with the Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Paulo Sacadura Cabral Portas, with whom he spoke about issues of regional and international interest.

Secretary General Insulza and Minister Portas also reviewed the development and progress achieved during the United Nations General Assembly held last week in New York, and other issues such as the situation in the Middle East, relations between the United States and Latin America, global economic trends and the evolution of Latin American diplomacy.

The meeting, held at OAS headquarters in Washington, DC, was also an opportunity to revisit other economic and political issues, such as Portugal’s relationships with and interest in many countries of the Western Hemisphere, and options for growth in the region in the midst of the current financial crisis.

Reference: FNE-7090