Media Center

Press Advisory

OAS Roundtable to Analyze Hemispheric Cooperation to Promote Access to Technology

  January 13, 2012

The Organization of American States (OAS), through its Secretariat of External Relations and Summits of the Americas Secretariat, will hold on January 17th at 3pm (local time) the 39th Policy Roundtable of the hemispheric organization: “The Road to Cartagena: Hemispheric Cooperation to Promote Access to Technology.”

The event, which is part of the preparation stage for the 6th Summit of the Americas to be held in Colombia between April 12 and 13th, will be inaugurated by the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, with the participation of Jodi Bond, Vice-president for the Americas of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States; Marcelo D’Agostino, Manager of Knowledge and Communications of the Pan-American Health Organization; and Carlos Arguello, Founder and CEO of Studio C.

WHAT: 39th Policy Roundtable of the hemispheric organization: “The Road to Cartagena: Hemispheric Cooperation to Promote Access to Technology”

WHEN: Tuesday, January 17th 3PM (Local time)

WHERE: Organization of American States

Hall of the Americas

17th Street & Constitution Ave. NW

Reference: AVI-002/12