Media Center

Press Advisory

OAS Round Table to Feature Debate on Democracy

  January 21, 2011

Political leaders, legislators, and experts on democracy in the hemisphere will meet Monday, January 24, at the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) to present their views during the XXVIII OAS Policy Round Table: “Representative Democracy or Participatory Democracy?”

The meeting will begin at 3:30 EST (20:30 GMT) with a welcome from the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza. Participants will include the former Minister of External Relations of Mexico, Jorge Castañeda; Inter- American Court of Human Rights Judge Eduardo Vio Grossi; the “Alianza País” (Country Alliance) representative at the National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador, María Paula Romo; and the Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the OAS and Director of the Democracy Project, Dante Caputo.

The conference’s moderator will be the OAS Secretary for Political Affairs, Víctor Rico.

The meeting will be broadcast live at

WHAT: XXVIII OAS Policy Round Table: “Representative Democracy or Participatory Democracy?”

WHEN: Monday, January 24, 2011, 3:30 EST (20:30 GMT)

WHERE: Hall of the Americas
17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC, 20006

Reference: AVI-012/11