Media Center

Press Release


  January 10, 2005

The Organization of American States’ (OAS) Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) will hold its fifth regular session in Trinidad and Tobago, from February 16 to 18, to explore new multilateral cooperation strategies to promote and sustain the hemispheric fight against terrorism, among other agenda items.

The Port-of-Spain session will evaluate the effectiveness of current anti-terrorism policies and practices, including on border controls, transportation security and terrorist financing, and will also consider a comprehensive inter-American strategy to combat threats to cyber-security.

Trinidad and Tobago’s Ambassador to the OAS, Marina Valère, and OAS Acting Secretary General Luigi Einaudi today signed an agreement for the CICTE session to be held in the Caribbean republic.

Ambassador Valère stressed the importance her government attaches to hosting the upcoming hemispheric anti-terrorism conference. She also underlined the full participation of all member states as indispensable, observing as well that the support provided at preparatory meetings augur well for a very successful session. Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister, Patrick Manning, is scheduled to open the conference.

In remarks after the signing, Ambassador Einaudi stressed the significance of Trinidad and Tobago hosting this CICTE event. He praised that country’s active involvement in the revitalization of CICTE (immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States).

Noting that CICTE brings together practitioners involved in the actual cooperation needed to improve security against terrorism, Einaudi called the upcoming session in Port-of-Spain, “one of the worthiest activities.” Einaudi himself will address the opening session, as will Uruguay’s Under-Secretary for National Defense, Elias Bluth.

CICTE Executive Secretary Steven Monblatt was among those on hand for today’s signing ceremony, at OAS headquarters in Washington.

As the main inter-American body to coordinate efforts to protect the citizens of the member nations from terrorism, CICTE serves to enhance the exchange of information on terrorism issues, through the relevant national authorities; formulate proposals to help member states draft appropriate counterterrorism legislation; promote universal adherence to international counterterrorism conventions; and enhance border cooperation and travel documentation security measures.

Reference: E-005/05