Media Center

Press Release


  January 31, 2005

The Ambassador of Guyana to the Organization of American States (OAS), Bayney Karran, said today that an OAS contribution to relief efforts in his flood-ravaged country serves as an example of inter-American cooperation.

“The flooding in Guyana is a big catastrophe in a small country,” Karran said, during a ceremony to acknowledge the $15,000 contribution from the OAS Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund. Although the effects of the heavy rains have been less serious than those produced by other recent natural disasters in the Caribbean, the people affected have suffered substantial consequences, he said.

Ambassador Karran said his country had received some 40 inches of rain in the last month, about four times the normal rainfall. The accompanying flooding, which caused six deaths and displaced an estimated 150,000 people, affected much of the country, including the most heavily populated areas.

Although the floodwaters have been draining away, thousands of people are still in shelters and the country faces considerable challenges, including public health concerns, Ambassador Karran said.

The Guyanese diplomat told OAS Acting Secretary General Luigi R. Einaudi that his government is “doubly gratified” by the contribution since it comes at a time of financial stringencies for the Organization.

Ambassador Einaudi underscored the need for regional solidarity and said the Inter-American Development Bank and the Pan American Health Organization had also contributed to the relief efforts.

“All parts of the inter-American system have, in fact, responded,” Einaudi said. He noted the presence at the ceremony of the Executive Director of the OAS-affiliated Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), John Sanbrailo, who was there to discuss with Ambassador Karran how the private sector might help address specific needs in his country.

Einaudi said greater cooperation is needed, both on an inter-American and global level, to ensure quicker, more effective responses to natural disasters.

Reference: E-019/05