Media Center

Press Release


  April 7, 2004

In his last official presentation as Peru’s Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, Ambassador Eduardo Ferrero Costa said today the nations of the Americas must redouble their cooperation to fight poverty and hunger as these pose a major challenge for the hemisphere.

The OAS and its member states have a responsibility to fight poverty in the Americas together, the Peruvian diplomat argued, because these problems threaten the very foundations of the region’s democracies. He underscored as well the need to fight corruption and impunity, and thanked the OAS for supporting Peru’s own campaign to combat the problem.

Addressing the Permanent Council—chaired by Mexico’s Ambassador Miguel Ruiz-Cabañas—after the member state representatives praised his professionalism and effective leadership representing his government at the OAS over the past three years, Ambassador Ferrero pointed to Peru’s renewed commitment to promoting human rights as well as its active international engagement on the issue.

He noted his government’s priority attention to indigenous peoples and cited areas of significant progress, including negotiations now underway at the OAS on a hemispheric declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. He expressed satisfaction that the subject has been included as a priority item on the OAS agenda.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Council Chairman spoke on behalf of the member state delegations, lauding the outgoing Peruvian Ambassador for his effective contribution that has helped forge a better understanding of democracy and socio-economic development as interrelated issues. “This has enriched our debate and helped generate consensus on our top priority issues over the last few years.”

Reference: E-055/04