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Press Release

OAS MIRPS Fund Strengthens Care for People Internally Displaced by Violence in Honduras

  September 20, 2024

More than 80 people in Honduras have already benefited from the support that the MIRPS Fund of the Organization of American States (OAS) provides to the Honduran state to strengthen its care for people internally displaced by violence, as explained by the Secretariat of Human Rights (SEDH) of the Republic of Honduras when presenting the progress of the project “Strengthening the response of the State of Honduras to care for people internally displaced by violence.”..

The project is financed by “Regional Comprehensive Framework Fund for Protection and Solutions (MIRPS Fund)”,., created by the OAS and administered by its Department of Social Inclusion(DSI)”.. It is one of the seven initiatives that make up the First Portfolio of Projects of the MIRPS Fund thanks to the pioneering contribution of the Government of Spain of 1 million euros.

Honduras is characterized by a prolonged situation of internal displacement, and high levels of violence represent a challenge in terms of protection and humanitarian assistance. Internal displacement was recognized by the State in 2013, but an adequate response remains a challenge.

To date, and through the OAS MIRPS Fund project, SEDH has benefited more than 80 people in the project's work priorities, which include:

1) Improving the immediate response provided to people internally displaced by violence and/or at risk of displacement through the delivery of humanitarian assistance and inter-institutional coordination to ensure the protection of more than 25 families;

2) Generating lasting solutions for four families by linking them to livelihoods by means of the delivery of seed capital, which has contributed to their full incorporation into their host communities; and

3) Strengthening the capacities of the municipal governments of La Ceiba and Catacamas with the aim of consolidating care for internally displaced persons, in line with the provisions of the Law on the Prevention, Care and Protection of Internally Displaced Persons. Also, during the presentation of the project, there was the special participation of a beneficiary of the project, who has received support from the SEDH through its Directorate for the Protection of Persons Internally Displaced by Violence (DIPPDIV) for four months.

The beneficiary was provided with humanitarian assistance allowing her to be relocated in safe conditions and with her basic needs covered. Additionally, thanks to the delivery of seed capital, she already has a consolidated business that has allowed her to have the necessary means of livelihood to continue building her life away from violence.

Present at this meeting were Angélica Álvarez, Secretary of Human Rights; Héctor Becerra, Under Secretary for the Protection of Human Rights; Diego Nuño, Ambassador of Spain in Honduras; Wilson Paz, Director General of Migrant Protection of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Honduras; Francisco Tomás Moratalla, General Coordinator of Spanish Cooperation in Honduras; Ambassador Carmen Montón Giménez, Permanent Observer of Spain to the OAS; Maricarmen Plata, Secretary for Access to Rights and Equity of the OAS; Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, Director of the Department of Social Inclusion of the OAS; Claudia González Bengoa, Head of the Migration and Forced Displacement Section of the DIS/OAS; Catherine Pognat, Representative of the SG/OAS in Honduras; Melissa Pocasangre, Regional Coordinator of the MIRPS Fund; and Kathryn Lo, Representative of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Through this initiative, Spain and the OAS reaffirm their support to the State of Honduras to expand and improve the humanitarian response to displaced and returned persons with protection needs, so that they can fully enjoy their rights and lead a dignified life.

Reference: E-070/24