Media Center

Press Release

Colombia: OAS Secretary General Calls Final Agreement “Historic Step toward Peace”

  August 24, 2016

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, today called the conclusion of negotiations and the announcement of a final agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP guerillas “a historic step toward the building of a stable and enduring peace” in the country.

Almagro congratulated the government and people of Colombia, and recalled that the OAS has closely accompanied Colombians’ desire for peace for more than a decade through the Mission of Support for the Peace Process (MAPP/OAS).

Specifically, the Mission has established a presence in the most marginalized territories and those most affected by the violence, has accompanied the initiatives of communities, organizations and institutions, monitoring the dynamics of the conflicts, and building bridges between the needs of Colombians and the peace policies of the government.

Moreover, the Secretary General underlined the role that will be played by the OAS in the post-conflict period. “The government of Colombia has asked us to support the post-conflict phase through a series of monitoring and accompaniment actions in the territories.”

He added “we are committed to assuming this and other challenges that will allow us to contribute to the consolidation of peace in Colombia.”

The OAS leader welcomed as a great step toward peace the agreements reached on issues such as access to land, political participation, guarantees for victims, a solution to the problem of illicit drugs, measures to end the conflict, and the endorsement of the agreements by Colombians.

Finally, Almagro recognized the firm resolve of the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC-EP guerillas to put an end to the conflict.

Reference: E-089/16