Media Center

Press Release


  June 19, 2002

The Organization of American States' (OAS) Electoral Observation Mission in Colombia has lauded the civic courage Colombians displayed in exercising their right to vote, last May 26, "without being intimidated by violent groups."

Mission Chief Santiago Murray reported to the Permanent Council Wednesday that "unfortunately, this civic courage has come with a price." He spoke about the recent assassination of a mayor and the growing number of mayors, public prosecutors, investigators and judges fleeing because of threats from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). "The Electoral Observation Mission strongly condemns these acts, which are a violation of international humanitarian law."

Murray noted as well "the prudent conduct" of the National Election Follow-up and Coordination Commission and the follow-up of the Democracy Plan, aimed at protecting the citizens' right to vote.

The 50-member team of OAS monitors from 18 member- and observer countries covered the various stages of the election process in several cities. The OAS Mission also closely monitored the presidential candidates and all their campaigning, with observers assigned to each campaign.

Murray explained that "this was to publicly demonstrate the Hemisphere's solidarity with the Colombian people, government and candidates committed to defending their democracy from the adversities it faces."

In his reply, Colombia's Ambassador to the OAS, Humberto de la Calle, thanked the Mission for the report, and praised the Mission's "technical integrity" and willingness to deploy observers across the country to attain its objectives.

The Ambassadors of Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and the United States underscored the growing importance of OAS electoral observation missions as well suited to the promotion and strengthening of democracy in the Americas. They also congratulated the Colombian people for once again demonstrating an unwavering commitment to democracy.

Reference: E-116/02