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Press Release

Ecuador presented at the OAS program for the XX International Tourism Congress

  April 3, 2012

“Conscientious Tourism” will be the central theme of the XX International Congress of Tourism Ministers and Top Authorities, which will be put on by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the government of Ecuador in September in Quito, according to an announcement made today by the Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the OAS, María Isabel Salvador.

Ambassador Salvador explained in a meeting of the Permanent Executive Commision of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) at the headquarters of the OAS in Washington, DC, Ecuador has planned for the program to include subjects such as the role and the relationship of tourism with ethics; human rights; social inclusion; accessibility; social responsibility of businesses; and sustainability.

The International Congress will be held in the capital of Ecuador from September 11 to 13, at the same time as the 54th Meeting of the Commission of the World Tourism Organization (OMT) for the Americas and the II World Congress of Ethics and Tourism, also under the auspices of the world body.

Ambassador Salvador pointed out that holding these events simultaneously brings with it an opportunity and a challenge for her country, and that Ecuador will develop “a flexible scheme to contribute to the normal development of these three meetings.”

Quito was designated headquarters of the Tourism Congress for this year as a result of a proposal by the country’s Tourism Minister, Freddy Elhers, at the XIX Congress, held in San Salvador in September 2011.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-119/12