Media Center

Press Release

OAS-SICA Meeting Promotes Security Cooperation

  May 8, 2010

OAS Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Albert Ramdin, inaugurated this week the first-ever joint meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) on implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540. In opening remarks, Ambassador Ramdin announced that “the OAS is committed to strengthening the hemispheric peace and security architecture.”

Ambassador Ramdin affirmed that “no region is immune from threats of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, transnational crime, drug trafficking and organized youth gangs and that no country can effectively solve these problems alone. Instead, we must work together within multilateral frameworks.”

Assistant Secretary General Ramdin praised the objectives of the meeting which he believes “show linkages between the ‘soft security needs’ of Central America, such as criminal gangs, illicit drug trafficking, the spread of small arms and light weapons with the need to combat WMD proliferation.”

The one-day meeting was co-sponsored by the OAS, the Henry L. Stimson Center and the Stanley Foundation. Participants included representatives from SICA Member States and its Secretary General, the United States of America, CARICOM, the OAS (CICTE), experts from the UN 1540 Committee, the Stanley Foundation and the Stimson Center.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-165/10