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Press Release

Secretary General Insulza Congratulates Prime Minister of The Bahamas on Victory in General Elections

  May 9, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today congratulated the newly elected Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Perry Christie, on his victory and that of the Progressive Liberal Party in the general elections held on Monday, May 7.

“This victory confirms the confidence of the people of The Bahamas in your leadership abilities and your vision for the country’s future," Secretary General Insulza wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Christie, who previously held the position between 2002 and 2007.

The chief representative of the OAS noted that this is the first time that the hemispheric organization was invited to observe elections in the country, and said the vote was conducted in a "free and fair manner and in a peaceful atmosphere.”

He also argued that the citizens of The Bahamas "were able to exercise their constitutional right and civic duty without any difficulty," which represents a "tribute to the strongly held democratic traditions for which the Caribbean and your country in particular are well known."

“These are challenging political and socio-economic times for several OAS member states. I therefore take this opportunity to extend to you the support of the OAS and wish to assure you that the Organization stands ready to work with you and your administration in advancing the country’s development needs”, wrote the OAS Secretary General.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-168/12