Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Sends His Condolences to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  July 4, 2010

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today lamented the tragedy that took the lives of more than 200 people and injured dozens in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo after the explosion of a tanker truck.

"What happened is a drama that weighs heavily on all of us in the American continent. We share the pain of our Congolese brothers and sisters and we send our condolences to the families of the victims, to the local authorities and the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo," Secretary General Insulza said.

The topmost representative of the hemispheric organization added that "we trust that all of us in the international community can work together to make sure that preventable catastrophes such as this one are not repeated."

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-264/10