Media Center

Press Release

OAS Organizes Seminar on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Costa Rica

  September 13, 2010

The Organization of American States (OAS), through its Department of International Law, is holding between September 13 and 17 in San José, Costa Rica, a seminar titled, “Training on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Inter-American System,” organized with the support of the Universidad Indígena Intercultural.

The objective of this seminar is to expose participants to legal promotion and management of the Inter-American System with emphasis on the human rights of indigenous peoples, while providing tools for the promotion and diffusion of the human rights of this population.

This activity is part of the initiatives the OAS General Secretariat has undertaken to disseminate knowledge of practices for good governance, human rights, and political participation through scholarships that are awarded to indigenous representatives designated by their communities, as well as to members of non-governmental organizations and government employees that work with indigenous communities.

On this occasion, leaders from Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama are participating in the meeting, which is made possible through the financial support of the government of Germany and the German Development Agency (GTZ).

Additional information on this and other training activities of the OAS Department of International Law is available here

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-328/10