Media Center

Press Release

New Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the OAS Presents Credentials

  October 3, 2014

The New Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Ambassador Francisco Laínez, today presented to Secretary General José Miguel Insulza the credentials that accredit him to the hemispheric institution.

During the ceremony, which took place at OAS headquarters in Washington, DC, Ambassador Laínez reaffirmed his country’s commitment “to broaden and deepen its proactive participation in building consensus that most advance the purposes and principles enshrined in the OAS Charter.” In the same vein, the Salvadoran diplomat stated the Government of El Salvador’s adherence “to the essential elements and core components embodied in the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which will be demonstrated again during the free and transparent elections to be held in the first quarter of 2015 in our country to elect legislative and municipal authorities.”

Ambassador Laínez stressed that “we, Salvadorans, identify the legacy of the OAS in the promotion of democratic values and practices with the freedoms system established in our Constitution, implemented in the 1992 Peace Accords, which represent the new Salvadoran society, i.e., democratic governance and participation in support of development.”

Welcoming the Representative of El Salvador, Secretary General Insulza thanked the Government of President Sánchez Cerén “for the courtesy he has shown to our Organization by sending you to fulfill these responsibilities with us,” and he said that his appointment is “another example of the importance that El Salvador has consistently placed on the OAS, which has also enabled carrying out very important tasks.”

The leader of the hemispheric institution further noted that the arrival of the Representative of El Salvador "is very appropriate and necessary for the work ahead of us," and in particular he referred to the work of restructuring the Organization’s agenda "in order to lead it towards the issues that most concern us, which is embodied in what we call the Strategic Vision that identifies the pillars we knew and that we want to define more clearly: democracy, human rights, integral development, and public security.”

Secretary General Insulza added that "we are going through a period of building in this organization, during which there must be a climate of understanding and harmony, as it is not possible to build anything on the basis of conflict, but on the basis of agreement, understanding and dialogue, and that is what is occurring within the framework of the Permanent Council, and so we invite you to join us.”

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

The B-Roll of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-416/14