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Press Release

OAS Supports Expansion of Drug Treatment Courts in Mexico

  November 20, 2013

More than 300 professionals from the justice and health sectors will gather in Mexico for the “Drug Treatment Courts Implementation Workshop” beginning this Thursday, November 21st and ending on Sunday the 24th in Toluca, State of Mexico. This initiative is supported by the Organization of American States (OAS), with the goal of exploring alternatives to incarceration for drug-dependent offenders within the Drug Treatment Court (DTC) model.
Participating in the event will be judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and treatment providers. Training will be conducted by experts from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, and Belgium, who will focus on the concepts of Therapeutic Jurisprudence and methods of implementation for DTCs.

Scientific evidence gathered from the application of this model in other countries of the hemisphere supports the idea that DTCs, when implemented correctly with a multidisciplinary approach by both judicial and health professionals, contribute to a reduction in crime, reduced relapse into drug abuse, and a reduction in prison population.

Mexico opened the first pilot DTC model in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon. Elsewhere, the model is currently in operation in Chile, the United States, Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. In addition, and thanks to the support of the OAS, the model is being implemented in Argentina (Province of Salta), Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago. Countries currently exploring the model with the OAS include Colombia, Belize, Bahamas, and Suriname.

The event will be inaugurated by Eruviel Avila Villegas, Governor of the State of Mexico; Roberto Campa Cifran, Undersecretary of Prevention and Citizen Participation of the Mexican Government; Fernando Cano Valle, member of the National Drug Commission of Mexico (CONADIC) of the Ministry of Health; Ambassador Paul Simons of the OAS (CICAD/OAS); and Maria de los Angeles Fromow Rangel, Technical Secretary, Coordinating Board of the Criminal Justice System, Secretary of Governance of Mexico.
This activity is organized by the Government of Mexico through the Secretary of Governance and the Nation Drug Commission of the Ministry of Health, the Government of the State of Mexico, through the state Ministry of Health, and CICAD. This event was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Government of the United States of America. 

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-447/13