Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Condemns Murder of Facundo Cabral

  July 10, 2011

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, strongly condemned the murder of the Argentine singer and songwriter Facundo Cabral perpetrated in cold blood by a band of assassins in Guatemala City. "The murder of Facundo Cabral, a great artist of our Americas, committed to the most noble causes of our peoples, can only be understood in the context of the irrational criminality that unfortunately assails our dear Guatemala and other nations of our hemisphere," Insulza said.

He added that "the versions that the deadly bullets were not directed at him only increase our indignation because they prove that nobody today is safe from the assassins, not even those whose only weapons are music and truth."

The head of the OAS concluded by saying that "this sad reality should serve us to grow in our unity and resolution to fight the crime clans, the principal threat to our democracy, our coexistence, and our culture."

Reference: E-759/11