Media Center

Press Release

OAS Renews Support for Colombian Cooperation Program with the Caribbean and Central America

  July 12, 2011

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), a cooperating partner of the OAS, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to renew their support for the Colombian Cooperation Program with the Caribbean and Central America.

During a ceremony held at Organization headquarters in Washington, DC, Secretary General José Miguel Insulza recalled that the Organization prioritizes the stimulation of “South – South” cooperation between the countries of the region and congratulated the government of President Juan Manuel Santos for the decision to continue with this initiative, given that his country “has unique resources to share with its neighbors in the Hemisphere.”

The head of the OAS said the Colombian program is an example “of the ways in which our Organization and the possibilities it provides can further develop our ‘South – South’ cooperation programs.”

The Memorandum of Understanding will continue the support provided by the PADF to the Government of Colombia for the implementation of the strategy through which it provides technical assistance and training to the countries of the Caribbean and Central America. In particular, it will provide support in five priority areas: food safety and nutritional improvements; bilingual education; academic exchanges; preparing for natural disasters and emergency response; and technical training.

For his part, the Executive Director of the PADF, John Sanbrailo, expressed his appreciation with the government of Colombia for having selected the Foundation to continue to support its “South – South” cooperation, and asserted that this agreement “highlights the importance of our work with countries throughout the region in supporting their efforts to share their technical assistance and training with other countries of the region. We‘ve had a long standing relationship with the government of Colombia, its civil society and people, and this is a further continuation and expansion of that assistance.”

The Representative of Colombia to the OAS, Ambassador Luis Alfonso Hoyos, said the PADF generates confidence in the government of Colombia “because of the results of its work, its capacity to summon public and private resources, and its leadership in the field. We hope the great work you have been doing will continue in the same way.”

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-763/11