Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Calls for National Unity and Respect for Institutions in Guatemala

  July 20, 2011

As a result of the political situation in Guatemala, in the context of the electoral process leading up to presidential elections in September, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, said he is “concerned about the environment of political tension that in this context has been created in the Central American country, especially by the definition of the registration of candidates from different political organizations.”

He added that “the magnitude of the challenges faced today by Guatemala, above all those from the activities of organized crime, make it indispensable for the election to be another show of national unity to strengthen democracy and respect citizen institutions.”

The head of the hemispheric Organization warned that “public demonstrations and public debate strengthen democracy, so long as they allow for the peaceful expression of all political preferences, within a framework of respect for institutional mechanisms. An election is a natural period for civic debate and nobody should be limited in this.”

Because of this, the OAS Secretary General urges “political actors and society in general to propitiate an environment of calmness to allow institutions to conduct their work, and trust that they will act in accordance with existing laws.”

Similarly, he made a call “to everyone, be they members of the opposition or the government, or supporters of any candidate, to cease from affecting or threatening in any way the work of the State’s and the Government’s institutions.”

Finally, Secretary General Insulza asserted that “respect for the decisions adopted and the legitimate action of the democratic government will strengthen the democratic political process in Guatemala, affirming the elections as the principal way for citizens to express their preferences.”

The Organization of American States continues to support this process through its Electoral Observation Mission, placing all its efforts so the democratic process may take place in an environment of calmness and respect.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-771/11