Media Center



  June 4, 2002

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham and Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Cesar Gaviria today signed a “Contribution Agreement” with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) Coordinator, Jeremy Collymore, to launch a Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program.

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretary-General Edwin Carrington witnessed the signing, which took place at the OAS’ 32nd General Assembly session in Barbados and coincides with the observation of World Environment Week and the start of the 2002 hurricane season.

Minister Graham signed the three-year 2.3 million Canadian dollar agreement on behalf of Canada’s Minister for International Cooperation, Susan Whelan. Mr. Graham said his country, mindful the Caribbean countries are vulnerable to natural disasters, wanted to help them take effective measures to reduce the effects of those disasters.

The Secretary General also thanked the Canadian government, noting this project complements other related OAS initiatives in the region. He also praised CDERA’s effective service delivery.

The Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program seeks to reduce vulnerability of the Caribbean region to the effects of natural hazards. Program activities will include developing a comprehensive framework of national natural hazard mitigation policies and planning, promoting a more effective use of hazard information in making development decisions, and developing training and certificate programs in safe building practices.

Reference: GA-006