E-Planning Model

 Welcome to the E-Planning Model of the Program Improving Crime Prevention Policies and International Cooperation for the Protection of Crowded Spaces and other Vulnerable Targets, which is aimed at increasing Member States’ capacity in the overall security planning by improving the effectiveness of their prevention, detection, and security responses.

The Program is funded by the Government of Canada, and it is implemented by the Organization of American States (OAS) through the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE), in cooperation with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).

 This E-Planning Model allows beneficiary Members States to reliably consult, review, and learn about the different elements and components at the foundation of any security plan, providing a practical guidance tool to support security planners in such a challenging and complex effort. The E-Model is organized in eight sections and, based on their specific needs, allows users to delve into all those key elements that are considered relevant in their specific contexts. For each section the platform offers definitions and descriptions, databases and catalogues, checklist questions and practical examples based on the collective global experience gathered by OAS/CICTE and UNICRI in over twenty years of activity with Member States in this field.   

OAS/CICTE and UNICRI are proud to offer this E-Planning Model as a source of comprehensive and updated information to efficiently plan the security of vulnerable targets.