The Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA) is the region's main tool to address the issue of the illicit proliferation and trafficking of firearms from a coordinated and transnational perspective.
CIFTA is a binding multilateral agreement to promote the establishment of controls and regulations on the illicit manufacturing and trafficking of firearms. Adopted in 1997, it is the first regional tool of its nature and it was ratified by 31 of the 34 OAS member states.
The Consultative Committee of CIFTA is a body integrated by national authorities of CIFTA State Parties that meets annually, as a dialogue space to exchange information and to analyze the progress achieved to implement the Convention.


  • Promote the exchange of information among the States Parties
  • Promote cooperation between the States Parties
  • Review the implementation of the CIFTA Course of Action 2018-2022

Secretary pro témpore


Previous meetings