The Meeting of National Points of Contact on Transnational Organized Crime (NPC-TOC) and the Fourth Meeting of Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime (RANDOT IV) will be held on May and September, 2023 virtually, and will be chaired by the Government of the United States of America During the event the following topics will be discussed:

NPC-TOC: May 2023

Brief for NPCs presented by the Chairs of:
  • 1 Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons (RTP).
  • 2 Consultative Committee of the Inter American Committee against the Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA).
  • 3 The Grupo of Experts for the Control of Money Laundering (GELAVEX).
  • 4 New Transnational Organized Crime challenges.
  • 5 Proposed methodology for implementing and reporting of indicators.
  • 5 Consideration of the draft Statute and Rules of Procedure of the RANDOT Process.

RANDOT IV: October 2023

  • 1 Exchange of OAS Member States on Implementation of the Strategy.
  • 2 Discussion of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime: implementation, follow-up, indicators, Hemispheric Strategy.
  • 3 Dialogue of Combating transnational organized crime threats.
  • 4 Emerging Transnational Organized Crime challenges- Illegal Mining, Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, Environmental Crimes, Illegal Logging, and others.


  • Promote dialogue and exchange of best practices.
  • Promote cooperation and technical assistance among Member States.

Secretary pro témpore
