Inter-American Award for Good Practices in Women’s Leadership

This call seeks to recognize, highlight and amplify public policies as well as initiatives from the private sector and civil society that promote an increase in the number of women in leadership positions and/or strengthen their empowerment and advocacy capacity in decision-making. The ultimate aim is to contribute to closing gaps and inequalities from a rights perspective, valuing the ability to innovate, generate significant impacts, combine synergies, strategic alliances and, above all, consider leadership from a comprehensive, rights-based intersectional perspective, so that no woman is left behind.

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Pronunciamiento frente a la crisis del COVID-19

Women are fighting the pandemic on the front lines: They are the majority of doctors, nurses, and care workers as well as among cleaners in public and private sectors, at home through the care of children, the elderly, and the sick. Women are also leading critical efforts as part of regional and local response; private and social initiatives.

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