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177 Virtual Period of Sessions

10/1/2020 - 10/9/2020
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Schedule of Public Hearings
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Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020

      Gender violence and women's human rights in Cuba
Participants: State of Cuba, Cuba Independiente y Democrática (CID), Red Defensora de los Asuntos de La Mujer (REDAMU) , Juventud Activa Cuba Unida (JACU) , Comité de Ciudadanos por la Integración Racial (CIR).
Countries: Cuba
Topics: Rights of Women
01-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      The human rights situation of lesbian and transgender women in the region
Participants: Caribe Afirmativo, Diversidad Dominicana, Asociación nicaragüense de Transgeneras , Fundación Triángulo, España , Centro para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación SOMOS CDC, Honduras
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Women, Rights of Persons LGBTI


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      Case 13.465 - Dina Carrión vs Nicaragua
Participants: Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), State of Nicaragua, Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Nicaragua Nunca +, Aida M. Carrión-Vanegas
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Petitions and Cases


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      Repression, persecution and imprisonment of student leaders in Nicaragua
Participants: State of Nicaragua, UN Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Centro de Acción y Defensa por los Derechos Humanos (CADEF), Centro para la Acción No violenta y Cultura de Paz en Centroamérica (Centro Paz) , Red Juvenil Centroamericana PREVIOS (Red Previos) , Juventudes de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (JUVENLAC) , Movimiento Cívico 19 de Abril (MC19A)
Countries: Nicaragua
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression, Right of Association
01-Oct-2020 N/A

Date: Friday, October 2, 2020

      Impunity for attacks and killings of human rights defenders in Guatemala
Participants: State of Guatemala, Convergencia por los Derechos Humanos de Guatemala
Countries: Guatemala
Topics: Human Rights Defenders
02-Oct-2020 N/A
      Situation of persons deprived of liberty in Honduras in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Countries: Honduras
Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
02-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      The right to equal marriage in the region
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Persons LGBTI
02-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Threats, protection and security of migratory populations in Mexico
Countries: Mexico
Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families
02-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

Date: Monday, October 5, 2020

      Lack of protection for groups of victims of the armed conflict in Colombia: indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant communities and social leaders
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Labor and Workers' Rights, Transitional Justice, Impact of violence and armed conflicts, Right of Association
05-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Illegal interception practices in Colombia
Countries: Colombia
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
05-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Comprehensive protection of children and adolescents in Chile
Countries: Chile
Topics: Rights of Children
05-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Repression and militarization of public security in El Salvador
Countries: El Salvador
Topics: Citizen Security
05-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

      Freedom of expression in Brazil
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
06-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Pandemic and indigenous peoples of the Amazon in Brazil
Countries: Brazil
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
06-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Human and collective rights violations against indigenous peoples in Ecuador
Countries: Ecuador
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
06-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Human rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon of Peru
Countries: Peru
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
06-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

      Freedom of expression and journalism in United States
Countries: United States
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
07-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Structural racism and police violence in the United States
Countries: United States
Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Citizen Security
07-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Guarantees of political rights in the electoral process in Venezuela
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Political Rights
07-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Corruption in public health system of Venezuela in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Countries: Venezuela
Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
07-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020

      Status of judicial independence and access to information during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bolivia
Countries: Bolivia
Topics: Rule of Law, Independence of the Judiciary
08-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      General situation of human rights in Bolivia
Countries: Bolivia
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
08-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Sexual violence, forced pregnancy and access to health services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Women, Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
08-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A
      Missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada
Countries: Canada
Topics: Rights of Women, Rights of Children, Rights of Indigenous Peoples
08-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

Date: Friday, October 9, 2020 (Showing 1 of 4 items. Group continues on the next page.)

      The right to consultation and free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples
Countries: Regional
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
09-Oct-2020 N/A N/AN/A

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