xxxParticipants: State of Brazil, Center for Global Justice Countries: Brazil Topics: Citizen Security
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.408 - Heliodoro Portugal, PanamaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Panama Countries: Panama Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in Chiapas, MexicoParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (FRAYBA), State of Mexico Countries: Mexico Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 777/01 - Rosendo Radilla Pacheco - MexicoParticipants: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), State of Mexico, Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos, Desaparecidos y Víctimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en México (AFADEM-FEDEFAM) Countries: Mexico Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Sexual and Labor Expoloitation of Children in Central AmericaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Save the Children Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Children
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in CubaParticipants: Coalición de Mujeres Cubano-Americanas Countries: Cuba Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in BoliviaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Oficina Jurídica para la Mujer, Capítulo Boliviano de Derechos Humanos Countries: Bolivia Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.440 - Wallace de Almeida, BrazilParticipants: State of Brazil, Justiça Global Countries: Brazil Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination, Petitions and Cases
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation of Women in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua, MexicoParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH), State of Mexico, Justicia para Nuestras Hijas Countries: Mexico Topics: Rights of Women
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation of Women and Administration of Justice in the RegionParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Centro de Derechos Reproductivos (CDR) Countries: Topics: Rights of Women
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Latin AmericaParticipants: Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ), Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos (FIDH) Countries: Regional Topics: Human Rights Defenders
| 21-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation of Afro-Descendants in the AmericasParticipants: Global Rights - Partmers for Justice Countries: Topics: Rights of Afro-Descendents / Against Racial Discrimination
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Migrant Workers in the AmericasParticipants: Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Observatorio Interamericano de Migrantes Countries: Regional Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
xxxParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA), PRODH, Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular, Derechos y Democracia Countries: Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
xxxParticipants: Comisión Internacional de Juristas Countries: Regional Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in HaitiParticipants: Comité des Avocats pour le Respect des Libertés Individuelles (CARLI) Countries: Haiti Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
xxxParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Vicaría de Derechos Humanos de la Arquidiócesis de Caracas, Comité de Familiares Victimas de los sucesos de febrero y marzo de 1989 (COFAVIC) Countries: Venezuela Topics:
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Situation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in VenezuelaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Programa Venezolano de Educación–Acción en Derechos Humanos (PROVEA) Countries: Venezuela Topics: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Human Rights Situation in ChileParticipants: Felipe González, Jorge Contesse Countries: Chile Topics: General Human Rights Situation
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.281 - Gilda Pizarro et.al, ChileParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Chile, Clínica de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Diego Portales Countries: Chile Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Petition 4614/02 - Wilmer González Rojas, NicaraguaParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Nicaragua, Casa Alianza Countries: Nicaragua Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 22-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Follow-up on Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, PeruParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru, State of Peru Countries: Peru Topics:
| 25-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Cases of Forced Displacement during the 1980s in HondurasParticipants: Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH), Comite para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Honduras (CODEH) Countries: Honduras Topics: Forced Displacement
| 25-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 11.802 - Ramon A. Hernandez et.al, HondurasParticipants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), State of Honduras Countries: Honduras Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 25-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |
Case 12.448 - Sergio Emilio Cadena Antolinez, ColombiaParticipants: State of Colombia, Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) Countries: Colombia Topics: Petitions and Cases
| 25-Oct-2004 |
| N/A | N/A |