
In this section, the repository provides a data bank of the initiatives and experiences implemented in the Americas and the Caribbean addressed to promote and strengthen women’s leadership in all their diversity, as well as their participation and equal representation in power and decision-making.

The systematized initiatives in this repository include those carried out by States through their different powers, public administrations, and subnational governments, as well as the initiatives from the private sector, civil society, and inter-governmental organizations at international and Inter-American levels.

The incorporation of these initiatives in the repository does not mean recognition as good practice or endorsement by the institutions that make up the Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership.

In case of interest in proposing the addition of an unregistered initiative, please send the information and supporting documentation via email to: [email protected]

Diplomado “Embarazo y maternidad infantil en América Latina y el Caribe”

  • Number of views: 774

Tiene por objetivo contribuir a fortalecer las capacidades y el liderazgo de actores claves sobre la problemática del embarazo y la maternidad infantil, revelando los aspectos de las interacciones sociales que deben ser erradicados, como la violencia sexual contra la infancia, la escasa atención a la voz de las niñas, su no consideración como sujetos de derecho, la propia maternidad infantil como barrera que limita su desarrollo y futuro empoderamiento, y la inercia del Estado frente a sus causas, entre otros.