Route Red Team: Evaluation of the exposure surface - CSIRTAmericas Academy

As part of the new initiatives promoted by the Cybersecurity Program, the CSIRTAmericas Network in coordination with the CCN-CERT of Spain, will carry out a training called: "Route Red Team - Evaluation of the exposure surface", which through structured training levels, progressive increase of intensity and laboratory practices, will allow participants to increase their academic level in cybersecurity issues at the CSIRTAmericas Academy.


April 17, 2024: Session 1 - Cybersecurity Awareness - (2 hour theory session)

April 24, 2024: Session 2 - Hacking for beginners - (2 hours theoretical session)

April 30, 2024: Session 3 - Mitre for you_1 - (2 hour practical session)

May 8, 2024: Session 4 - Mitre for you_2 - (2 hours practical session)

May 14, 2024: Session 5 - Day by day attacking webs_1 - (2 hours practical session)

May 22, 2024: Session 6 - Day by day attacking webs_2 - (2 hours practical session)

May 29, 2024: Session 7 - Watching your home Rengine_1 - (2 hours practical session)

June 5, 2024: Session 8 - Watching your home Rengine_2 - (2 hours practical session)

Target beneficiary: The course is aimed at technical personnel belonging to the CSIRTAmericas Network and who completed the basic training called "Essential Incident Management Route" at the CSIRTAmericas Academy.