National Tabletop Exercise in Mexico

This exercise aims to test the preparedness and response capabilities of Mexican government agencies in the event of a cyber-attack, raise awareness of the threat landscape in relation to cyber-attacks and share best practices in cybersecurity, information security and critical infrastructure protection. 

Who participates: 30 Mexican government officials. 

Who it is aimed at: officials involved in critical infrastructure and cybersecurity of the Government of Mexico. 

Expected results: Conduct a National cyber exercise to: 

1. raise awareness of the threat landscape in relation to cyber-attacks.

2. Share best practices in cybersecurity, information security and critical infrastructure protection.

3. Consider the implications and consequences of a cyberattack against a critical service.

4. Explore response structures, capabilities and contingencies through a scenario-based simulation exercise.

5. Identify gaps and vulnerabilities requiring technical or policy solutions.

This exercise has been coordinated by the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), being the first time that both organizations join efforts to promote the development of cyber capabilities of one of the member countries, highlighting the effective collaboration that exists between CICTE/OAS and the IADB.

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