Dialogue with Permanent Observers in the context of the 54th OAS General Assembly
In Person

Salón CEO, Comité Olímpico Paraguayo
City - Country


The Dialogue of the Heads of Delegation, the Secretary General, and Assistant Secretary General with the Heads of Delegation of the Permanent Observers seeks to promote an exchange with Permanent Observers under the theme of the 54th General Assembly "Integration and security for sustainable development in the region."

The meeting provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, priorities and challenges that must be addressed to promote security and integration in the Western Hemisphere. With an emphasis on the importance of connecting the Americas with the global community, this dialogue serves to underscore the interconnectedness of regional and global issues, highlighting the significance of collective action and partnerships between Member States and Permanent Observers. Through the participation of Permanent Observers in OAS meetings, the organization promotes dialogue with these key strategic partners and fosters a more comprehensive approach to addressing regional and global challenges to democracy, human rights, security and development.

Draft Agenda

Opening Session

H.E. Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay

H.E. Luis Almagro, OAS Secretary General

Statements by Heads of Delegation of Permanent Observers

  • Spain: H.E. Susana Sumelzo Jordán, State Secretary for Ibero-America and the Caribbean and Spanish around the World, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
  • Italy: H.E. Laura Carpini, Principal Director for the Countries of Latin America & the Caribbean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • France: H.E. Michèle Ramis, Director of the Americas & Caribbean, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Holy See: H.E. Vincenzo Turturro, Apostolic Nuncio in Paraguay
  • Serbia: H.E. Marko Djuric, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • European Union: H.E. Brian Glynn, Managing Director for the Americas, European External Action Service
  • People’s Rep. of China: H.E. Xie Feng, Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Observer to the OAS
  • Japan: H.E. Yoshie Nakatani, Ambassador to Paraguay

 Statements by Heads of Delegation of Member States 

 Statements by Heads of Delegation of Permanent Observers

  • Switzerland: H.E. Mirko Giulietti, Assistant State Secretary for the Americas, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Germany: H.E. Annette Walter, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Federal Foreign Office
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands: H.E. Marjan Kamstra, Director for the Western Hemisphere, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Belgium: H.E. Patrick Herman, Director Americas & Caribbean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Türkiye: H.E. Yaprak Balkan, Director General for the Americas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • United Kingdom: H.E. Catherine O’Neill, Deputy Director for Americas, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

 Statements by Heads of Delegation of Member States

 Statements by Heads of Delegation of Permanent Observers 

  • Israel: H.E. Mattanya Cohen, Head of Latin America, and Caribbean Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ukraine: Prerecorded message for the Dialogue by H.E. Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine. Introduction by H.E. Iryna Borovets, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Statements by Heads of Delegation of Member States


H.E. Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay

Invitation with Panelists

photos and names of panelists

Purpose, background and draft agenda
English Español
English Español