XXV Meeting of CICAD's Demand Reduction Experts Group

Ministerio de Justicia/Ministry of Justice
City - Country


The Demand Reduction Experts Group provides technical expertise, facilitates cooperation among countries, and submits recommendations to the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) on implementation of the OAS Hemispheric Drug Strategy 2020 and its respective Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs 2021-2025.

The Group is open to designated national experts from OAS member states with a specialization in aspects of drug demand reduction, and meets annually to address priority issues related to drug demand reduction public policies and programs.

For the 2023-2024 period, CICAD’s Demand Reduction Experts Group is chaired by Brazil and vice-chaired by Barbados.

Objectives of the Meeting

  • Address priority issues related to drug prevention, early intervention, treatment, care, rehabilitation, social integration and recovery as well as health promotion. Additionally, the issue of emerging threats related to new psychoactive substances will be discussed in the meeting.
  • Contribute to the establishment of comprehensive and integrated drug demand reduction policies, and to strengthen the support and care systems for people who use drugs, that are integrated with health systems, and that respect human rights, and offer gender-specific services

001-Information Bulletin-In Person Participation
English Español
English Español
002-Information Bulletin REMOTE ACCESS
English Español
02-2-Emerging threats: implications and challenges for national drug observatories SEDRONAR
English Español
04-2-CICAD support for early warning systems on drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean
English Español
05-1-Evidence-based prevention: a trajectory of implementation in Chile
English Español
05-3-The importance of training in the implementation of the IBEM program (Brief Intervention based on Motivational Interviewing) in Colombia
English Español
06-2-Anti-racism line in the national strategy for the prevention of addictions CONASAMA
English Español
08-1-Barriers to Treatment: factors hindering women’s use of treatment services in Barbados
English Español
07-2-Comprehensive community approach strategies: SEDRONAR's community care and support houses program
English Español
08-3-Closing gaps in care for women with problematic drug use in El Salvador CNA
English Español
09-3-The impact of marihuana decriminalization in prevention programs. Challenges and opportunities from regulatory frameworks
English Español
09-1-Amendment to drug abuse prevention and control act cap 131 implications for programming: Barbados
English Español
09-2-Decriminalization of cannabis: the Trinidad and Tobago experience
English Español
10-1-Prevention program in the penitentiary system: Informing and reflecting on drug use
English Español
14-1-Quality Seal FLACT
English Español
14-2-The Declaration of Oviedo Proyecto Hombre
English Español
02-1-Emerging drugs in Mexico, analysis of supply and consumption
English Español
15-1-Empowering vulnerable and difficult to reach populations by implementing a demand reduction system approach
English Español
10-2-Drug demand reduction: the harm reduction approach
English Español
08-0-Network for Treatment of Women in the Americas
English Español
03-1-Updates on the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
English Español
11-1-Developing quality indicators for drug demand reduction policie
English Español
02-3-NPS Challenges-JND_Uruguay
English Español
04-0-Overview of the global dialogue on demand reduction
English Español
04-1-Development and implementation of a continental drug surveillance sentinel in africa
English Español
14-3-Youth perspectives on drug use challenges in the Americas: a call for action
English Español
08-2-Silent Tears: Eve’s Treatment Journey
English Español
12-1-Drug use and mental health in indigenous students in Mexico
English Español
16-1-Treatment responses for alcohol and drug use disorders
English Español
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