Virtual Launch of the Ransomware Task Force Brazil OAS-Government of Brazil-IST


The virtual launch of the Brazil Ransomware Task Force( RTF), an initiative by the Government of Brazil in collaboration with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Institute for Security and Technology (IST) will kick-start the RTF process in Brazil. The virtual launch will provide an overview of the task force’s objectives and structure, as well as insights into the specific challenges and opportunities related to ransomware in Brazil. This event intends to offer an opportunity for participants to ask questions on how to best contribute to the RTF process and thus to increasing the cyber resilience in the country. It will aim at leveling among the participants of understanding of this initiative.

The RTF together experts from industry, government, law enforcement, civil society, academia and the technical community, and international organizations to identify priority actions to conduct a unified, aggressive, comprehensive, public-private anti-ransomware effort. The goal of the effort is to produce recommendations, through a final report, that are practical and high-impact in order to reduce the threat to social and economic wellbeing and national security posed by ransomware crime.

The RTF process focuses around four goals to combat ransomware:

1. Deter ransomware attacks;

2. Disrupt the ransomware business model;

3. Help organizations prepare; and,

4. Respond to ransomware attacks more effectively.

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