National Dialogue on International Law in Cyberspace: Brazilian Perspectives

The Organization of American states (OAS) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil with the support of Chatham House will be hosting a National Dialogue of International Law in Cyberspace in Brazil. The Dialogue aims to foster discussion and common understandings of the application of international law in cyberspace. Discussions will be tailored to support the host country's efforts in considering the further development of its national position of international law in cyberspace.

The National Dialogue on International Law in Cyberspace is an in-person initiative that will take form in a series of interactive workshops spanning two days. The public-facing event on day 1 will kickstart the National Dialogue and raise general awareness of the initiative, including how it aligns within the cyber CBMs agreed amongst the OAS member states. Day 2 will be comprised of a series of smaller closed-door sessions in which participants have in-depth discussions with experts on international law and cyberspace.

  1. The discussions during the public-facing event will center around two policy-relevant issues arising from the application of international law in cyberspace:
  2. National and common positions on international law in cyberspace
  3. The role of international law within the broader framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace