All Publications
SAT - Adultered Cocaine
February, 2022
SAT - Adultered Cocaine
SAT - Adulterated cocaine - recommendations
February, 2022
SAT - Adulterated cocaine - recommendations
Publication's cover photo
February, 2022
Observing Direct Democracy Mechanisms: A Manual for OAS Electoral Observation Missions
Specialized methodology for the observation of direct democracy mechanisms
Cover with OAS logo
January, 2022
Typologies and red flags associated to money laundering from illegal mining in Latin America and the Caribbean
January, 2022
Emerging Drugs in the Americas: New Psychoactive Substances, Including Synthetic Opioids
January, 2022
2021 Year in Review of the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
This document summarizes the work carried out in 2021 by the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
American and African continents
December, 2021
Regional Report on the Situation of People of African Descent 2021
Regional Report on the Situation of People of African Descent and the Progress in Implementing the Plan of Action for the Decade of People of African Descent in the Americas (2016-2025)
December, 2021
SARE Management Report 2021
December, 2021
IV Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2021)
Cover with OAS logo
December, 2021
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Ecuador
December, 2021
Guía Covid-19
December, 2021
Manual de buenas prácticas
December, 2021
Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y sus aportes a la continuidad educativa en escenario de pandemia
Verification and Compliance Manual for Port Security Officials
December, 2021
Verification and Compliance Manual for Port Security Officials
This Drafting Guide helps OAS Member States' Designated Authorities create a customizable template to align with their unique regulations and processes.
Young girl with a protective mask, title, OAS logo
December, 2021
Youth in Situation of Vulnerability and COVID-19
(Only in Spanish) Technical Notes Series about Social Inclusion and Access to Rights
Cover of the Report, color blue, the Americas in white, OAS logo
December, 2021
Evaluation Report on Drug Policies
Dominican Republic, 8th round 2021-Demand Reduction Report