OAS Retirement and Pension Committee

The OAS Retirement and Pension Committee (Committee) has been entrusted by the OAS General Assembly with the responsibility of administering the Plan and to act as fiduciary of the Plan’s resources. The Committee is a tripartite body. The OAS Permanent Council appoints one member who also acts as Chairperson; one member is appointed by the Secretary General to act on his behalf; and one member is elected by the participants in the Plan. Each representative has an alternate that is appointed or elected in the same manner as the principal. As part of its responsibility for administering the Plan, the Committee has the authority to formulate policies and procedures for the implementation of the Plan’s provisions.

The OAS Retirement and Pension Fund is administered by the Retirement and Pension Fund Committee; constituted by the following members:

Representative of the Permanent Council  
Chair, Retirement and Pension Committee
Mme. Lou-Anne Gaylene Gilchrist
Ambassador, Permanent Representative
of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the OAS

Alternate Representative of the Permanent Council
Margarita M. Riva-Geoghegan
Vice Chair

Representative of the Secretary General
Arnold Chacon
Phone: 202-370-9025
Email: [email protected]

Representative of the Participants 
Sergio Perez
Phone:  202-370-0766
Email: [email protected]

Alternate Representative of the Secretary General
Renzo Chiappo
Phone: 202-370-9018
Email: [email protected]

Alternate Representative of the Participants
Michael Bejos
Phone: 202-370-9141
Email: [email protected] 

Secretary Treasurer
Daniel Vilarino
Phone: 202-370-5430
Email: [email protected]

Legal Adviser
William Berenson  

Observer Representative of the Representative of Pensioners
Beverly Wharton-Lake  

Alternate Observer Representative of the Association of Pensioners
Nelly Robinson