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Braulio O. Alaniz C. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)81
Keywords: Statute - article II.1, Contract, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Cargos, Comité Asesor de Reducción de Personal, Reducción de personal, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Despido, Traslado de cargo, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Revocación, Indemnización, Descripción de funciones, Discrecionalidad, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, Costas del juicio, Fondo de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Honorarios de abogados, Nulidad, Decisiones administrativas, Impugnación, Normas jurídicas, Violación de derechos, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), Arbitrariedad, General Assembly - AG/RES.561 (XI-O/81), Statute - article II.2, Experiencia laboral, Reclutamiento interno, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (i)
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Roberto Monge M. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)92
Keywords: Right of appeal, Complaint allowed, Costs, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Organization's interests, Termination, Advisory opinion, Evidence, Field, Recommendation, Bias, Good faith, Report, Disciplinary measure, Transfer, Due process, Duty station, Right, Staff member's right, Staff member, Staff Rules, General Standards, Separation from service, Disciplinary procedure, General principle, Misconduct, Summary dismissal, Warning, Supervisor, Benefit, Staff Rules - rule 110.5, Headquarters, Conduct, Serious misconduct, Staff Rules - rule 111.1 (b)(v), Organization, Reprisal, Benefit of doubt, Disciplinary Committee, General Standards - article 31, General Standards - article 52 (f), Staff Rules - rule 110.5 (a), Staff Rules - rule 110.5 (a)(ii), Staff Rules - rule 111.1 (b)(iv), Summary procedure, Suspension
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Hugo D. Valverde et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)91
Keywords: Competence, Formal requirements, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Interpretation, Breach, Cause of action, Costs, Discretion, Executive Head, Receivability, Internal remedies exhausted, Time bar, Time limit, Previous question, Nullity, Omission, Binding character, Contract, Formal flaw, Intention, Law of contract, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Limits, Flaw, Budgetary reasons, Statute - article II, Abuse of process, General Assembly, Settlement out of court, Collective bargaining, General principle, Statement of intent, Waiver, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), Staff Union Agreement, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Power of attorney, Reckoning, Case law, Further submissions, Comparator system, Cost-of-living adjustment, Fraud, Further material, General Assembly - AG/RES.652 (XIII-O/83), Permanent Council - CP/doc.1177/81 add. 1, Referendum, Staff Rules - chapter XII, Statute - article IX
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Alfredo Rebolledo A. et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)90
Keywords: Decision, Post adjustment, Judgment, Judicial review, Complaint allowed, Discretion, Executive Head, Appraisal of evidence, Field, Expert inquiry, Testimony, Contract, Balance of contractual obligations, Acceptance, Report, Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Salary, Limits, Lack of consent, Complainant, Expert, Staff Rules, Execution, General principle, Complaint, Employment, Employment relationship, Reduction, Base salary, Further submissions, Staff Rules - rule 103.2
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Fernando Suárez de Castro v. Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Document Code (Number)89
Keywords: Decision, Right of appeal, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Costs, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Injury, Organization's interests, Termination, Advisory body, Internal Appeal Body, Lack of evidence, Moral injury, Organization's duties, Staff Union, Bias, Acceptance, Grounds, Limits, Disciplinary measure, Internal appeal, Transfer, Due process, Budgetary reasons, Staff member's duties, Right, Staff member's right, Position of trust, Staff member, Career, Status of complainant, Separation from service, Applicable law, Disciplinary procedure, Misconduct, Staff member's interest, Summary dismissal, Complaint, Employment, Employment relationship, Working conditions, Headquarters, Tribunal, Conduct, Serious misconduct, Administrative act, Misuse of authority, Budget, Collective rights, Composition, Freedom of association, Hidden disciplinary measure, IICA, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 19, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 48, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 54, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 60, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 61, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art.59, Insubordination, Organization, Professional, Professional injury, Proportionality, Reprisal, Staff representative, Staff Union activity, Suspensory effect
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Marijane E. Peplow v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)88
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Formal requirements, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Statute - article I, Interpretation, Offer, Reassingment, Breach, Costs, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Injury, Organization's interests, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Organization's duties, Staff reduction, Recommendation, Mistake, Testimony, Nullity, Binding character, Contract, Decision-maker, Competition, Disclosure of evidence, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, Working relations, General Standards - article 17 (b), Fitness, Report, Administration, Limits, Disciplinary measure, Internal appeal, Adversarial proceeding, Transfer, Work appraisal, Due process, Flaw, New plea, Budgetary reasons, Staff member's right, Right to replay, Post, Audit, International career service, General principle, Staff member's interest, Unsatisfactory service, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, International civil service, Staff regulations and rules, Staff Rules - rule 105.2, Double jeopardy, Statement of intent, Waiver, Staff Reduction Board, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (m), General Assembly - AG/RES.561 (XI-O/81), Personnel file, Administrative act, Case law, Confirmatory decision, Independence, Intent, Misuse of authority, Performance report, Plea, Procedural economy, Staff Rules - rule 110.4
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Guillermo J. McGough v. Secretary General of the Organizatio of American States

Document Code (Number)87
Keywords: Decision, Exception, Formal requirements, Cause of action, Executive Head, Notification, Receivability, Termination, Internal Appeal Body, Internal remedies exhausted, Time limit, Statute - article VI.1 (a), Contract, Non-renewal, Report, Administrative delay, Internal appeal, Equity, Statute - article VI, Terminal entitlements, Statute - article VI.1, Statute - article VI.1 (b), Counsel, Absence, Conciliation, Conciliatory powers, Direct appeal, Final decision, Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Staff Rules - rule 112.1 (c), Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Staff Rules - rule 112.5 (c), Staff Rules - rule 112.5 (g), Staff Rules - rule 112.5 (j)
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Félix E. Hurtado de Mendoza v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)86
Keywords: Competence, Judgment, Costs, Payment, Internal Appeal Body, Staff Union, Grounds, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Statute - article II, Collective bargaining, Execution, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Staff Union Agreement, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Counsel, Internal Appeal Board, Reckoning, Staff union representative
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Ruperto C. Hooker v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)85
Keywords: Formal requirements, Abolition of post, Offer, Reassingment, Cause of action, Costs, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Internal Appeal Body, International civil service principles, Lack of evidence, Staff reduction, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Security of tenure, Seniority, Vacancy, Staff member's right, General principle, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Assembly - AG/RES.561 (XI-O/81)
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Guillermo J. McGough v. Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)84
Keywords: Offer, Cause of action, Damages, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Lack of evidence, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Non-renewal, Acceptance, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Contribution, Resignation, Terminal entitlements, General Standards - article 16 (d), Position of trust, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, General Standards, Separation from service, Own contribution, Executive Order No. 83-2, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Permanent Council - CP/RES.388 (544/83), Provident plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section II, Retirement and Pension Plan - section III, Retirement and Pension Plan - section IV, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Rules of Procedure - article 9.1, Staff Rules - rule 104.1
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