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Mario Morocho N. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)76
Keywords: Charter of the OAS - article 126, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Cargos, Comité Asesor de Reducción de Personal, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Derecho de preferencia, Suspensión, Traslado, Contrato permanente, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Servicio internacional de carrera, Igualdad de condiciones, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Funciones, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Duración del contrato, Decisiones administrativas, Disciplina, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), General Standards - article 36, Non bis in idem, Principios Generales del Derecho
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Anthony J. Malatesta y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)75
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII, Appointment, Statute - article II, Revocación, Discrecionalidad, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Acto administrativo, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Nulidad, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, Impugnación, Acción administrativa, Incumplimiento contractual, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Desigualdad procesal, Efecto erga omnes, Pago ex-gratia, Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Sentencias
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Mario Morocho N. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)76
Keywords: Reassingment, Breach, Termination, Evidence, Lack of injury, Staff reduction, Post description, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Charter of the OAS - article 126, Disciplinary measure, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, Double jeopardy, Conduct, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), General Standards - article 36
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Carr L. Donald v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)80
Keywords: Decision, Offer, Reassingment, Breach, Damages, Discretion, Executive Head, Injury, Procedural flaw, Termination, Burden of proof, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Health reasons, Post description, Bias, Equality of conditions, Qualifications, Acceptance, Duty to substantiate decision, Grounds, Salary, Limits, Flaw, Staff member's right, Post, International career service, Career, Staff member's interest, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17, Conduct, Base salary, Satisfactory service, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (f)(1)(m)
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Alberto Cheng Hurtado v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)79
Keywords: Costs, Receivability, Time bar, Time limit, Vexatious complaint, Certainty
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Fernando Argandoña Y. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)78
Keywords: Competence, Formal requirements, Executive Head, Receivability, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Time limit, Nullity, Formal flaw, Disciplinary measure, Date of notification, Disciplinary procedure, Misconduct, Inquiry, Serious misconduct, Vested competence
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Reinaldo Posada F. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)77
Keywords: Formal requirements, Successive contracts, Breach, Receivability, Burden of proof, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, Previous question, Contract, Conversion, Permanent appointment, Fixed term, Permanent, Flaw, Locus standi, Representative, Duty to comply, Staff regulations and rules, Employment relationship, Permanent functions, Rules of Procedure - article 22, General Assembly - AG/RES.531 (XI-O/81), Merits
Documents to download:

Mario Morocho N. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)76
Keywords: Reassingment, Breach, Termination, Evidence, Lack of injury, Staff reduction, Post description, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Charter of the OAS - article 126, Disciplinary measure, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, Double jeopardy, Conduct, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), General Standards - article 36
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Anthony Malatesta et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)75
Keywords: Competence, Cause of action, Complaint allowed, Costs, Discretion, Receivability, Payment, Time bar, Time limit, Salary, Budgetary reasons, Statute - article II, Complainant, Execution, Ex gratia, Vexatious complaint, Award, Compensation, Difference, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii)
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Leonel Laguarda B. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)74
Keywords: Statute - article VI.2, Contract, Statute - article II, Repatriación, Inadmisibilidad de recursos, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Recurso, Excepción, Cuestión previa, Impugnación, Reclutamiento internacional, Staff Rules - rule 110.8, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (a)(ii), Incumplimiento contractual, Petición, Reclutamiento local
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