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Ruperto C. Hooker v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)85
Keywords: Formal requirements, Abolition of post, Offer, Reassingment, Cause of action, Costs, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Internal Appeal Body, International civil service principles, Lack of evidence, Staff reduction, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Security of tenure, Seniority, Vacancy, Staff member's right, General principle, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Assembly - AG/RES.561 (XI-O/81)
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Guillermo J. McGough v. Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)84
Keywords: Offer, Cause of action, Damages, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Lack of evidence, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Non-renewal, Acceptance, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Contribution, Resignation, Terminal entitlements, General Standards - article 16 (d), Position of trust, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, General Standards, Separation from service, Own contribution, Executive Order No. 83-2, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Permanent Council - CP/RES.388 (544/83), Provident plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section II, Retirement and Pension Plan - section III, Retirement and Pension Plan - section IV, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Rules of Procedure - article 9.1, Staff Rules - rule 104.1
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Antonio Viaña A. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)83
Keywords: Decision, Cause of action, Costs, Organization's interests, Receivability, Termination, Internal Appeal Body, Recommendation, Previous question, Nullity, Formal flaw, Equality of conditions, Qualifications, Remand, Negligence, Representative, Date of notification, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17, Misrepresentation, Power of attorney
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Federico Vilella A. v. Secretary of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)82
Keywords: Formal requirements, Application, Interpretation, Offer, Quashing, Reassingment, Breach, Complaint allowed, Costs, Injury, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Organization's duties, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Post description, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, General Standards - article 17 (a), Staff Rules - rule 110.6, International civil service, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), Personnel file
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Braulio O. Alaniz C. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)81
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Judgment, Judicial review, Abolition of post, Application, Quashing, Reassingment, Breach, Complaint allowed, Damages, Executive Head, Injury, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, International civil service principles, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Language of rule, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, Statute - article VII.2, Effective date, General Standards - article 17 (a), Separation from service, Reconstruction of career, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), Base salary, General Assembly - AG/RES.561 (XI-O/81), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (j)
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Carr L. Donald vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)80
Keywords: Contract, Salary, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Comité Asesor de Reducción de Personal, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Traslado, Despido, Reclasificación de cargos, Secretario General, Procedimiento administrativo, Indemnización, Discrecionalidad, Servicio internacional de carrera, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17, Honorarios de abogados, Derechos derivados, Decisiones administrativas, Right of staff members, Violación de derechos, Arbitrariedad, Legalidad, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (f), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (l), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (m)
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Alberto Cheng Hurtado vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)79
Keywords: Statute - article VII, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Revocación, Discrecionalidad, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Costas del juicio, Expiration, Certeza jurídica, Extemporaneidad, Nulidad, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, Impugnación, Acción administrativa, Prescripción extintiva de los derechos
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Fernando Argandoña Y. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)78
Keywords: Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Suspensión, Despido, Auditoría de cargo, Irregularidad, Indemnización, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Costas del juicio, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, Disciplina, Cumplimiento de funciones, Falta disciplinaria, Staff Rules - rule 111.1 (b)(v)
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Reinaldo Posada F. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)77
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Contrato permanente, Despido, Naturaleza de la actividad laboral, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Indemnización, Servicio internacional de carrera, Inadmisibilidad de recursos, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Costas del juicio, Acto administrativo, Contrato a corto plazo, Contrato por resultado, Duración del contrato, Excepción, Exoneración, Nulidad, Normas jurídicas, General Assembly - AG/RES.435 (IX-O/79), Violación de derechos, Rules of Procedure - article 22, Acción administrativa, Vicio legal, General Assembly - AG/RES.531 (XI-O/81), Acumulación de recursos, Contrato a plazo fijo, Falta de personalidad, Vicio procesal
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Mario Morocho N. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)76
Keywords: Charter of the OAS - article 126, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Cargos, Comité Asesor de Reducción de Personal, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Derecho de preferencia, Suspensión, Traslado, Contrato permanente, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Servicio internacional de carrera, Igualdad de condiciones, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 17, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Funciones, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Duración del contrato, Decisiones administrativas, Disciplina, General Standards - article 17 (a) (v), General Standards - article 36, Non bis in idem, Principios Generales del Derecho
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