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Ulises Usera Tellechea vs. Director General del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Document Code (Number)72
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Terminación de servicios, Despido, Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, Manual de Administración de Personal del IICA, Work evaluation, Indemnización, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Benefit, Oferta de empleo, Derecho de expectativa, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 33
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Ramón Alvarez vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)71
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Statute - article II, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Suspensión, Contrato permanente, Despido, Indemnización, Contrato a término fijo, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Contrato a corto plazo, Duración del contrato, Normas jurídicas, General Assembly - AG/RES.435 (IX-O/79), Disciplina, Equidad, Simulación de servicio
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Roberto C. Boullon vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)70
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Trial period, Statute - article II, Reintegro del cargo, General Standards - article 16 (a), Contrato permanente, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (b), Compensación, Indemnización, Servicio internacional de carrera, Contrato a término fijo, Costas del juicio, Contrato a corto plazo, Contrato a largo plazo, Contrato de término indefinido, Contrato de tracto sucesivo, Contrato temporal, Duración del contrato, Nulidad, General Assembly - AG/RES.435 (IX-O/79), Derogación, Acción administrativa, Daños y perjuicios, Vicio legal
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Hugo G. Alemán vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)69
Keywords: Contract, Statute - article VII.1, Statute - article VII.2, Trial period, Statute - article II, Contrato permanente, Renovación contractual, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Staff Rules - rule 104.2, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, Indemnización, Contrato a término fijo, Extensión del contrato, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Costas del juicio, Contrato a corto plazo, Duración del contrato, General Assembly - AG/RES.435 (IX-O/79), Derogación, Funciones regulares, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (b)(2), Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (d), Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (e)
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Leonel Laguarda B. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)74
Keywords: Interpretation, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Internal remedies exhausted, Lack of evidence, Organization's duties, Previous question, Allowance, Repatriation, General service category, Staff Rules - rule 110.8, Professional category, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (a)(ii)
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Louis E. Sanz de Santamaría v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)73
Keywords: Decision, Formal requirements, Right of appeal, Receivability, Internal remedies exhausted, Statute - article VI.1 (a), Previous question, Internal appeal, Resignation, Statute - article VI.1, Statute - article VI.1 (b)
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Ulises Usera Tellechea v. Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Document Code (Number)72
Keywords: Offer, Breach, Discretion, Executive Head, Receivability, Time limit, Binding character, Contract, Intention, Acceptance, Work appraisal, IICA Rules of Procedure of the General Directorate, Promise
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Ramón Alvarez v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)71
Keywords: Judicial review, Successive contracts, Damages, Termination, Reinstatement, Amendment, Terms of appointment, Contract, Conversion, Permanent appointment, Acceptance, Salary, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Permanent, Statute - article VII.2, Equity, Staff regulations and rules, Complaint, Employment relationship, Permanent functions, Duration
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Roberto C. Boullon v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)70
Keywords: Interpretation, Burden of proof, Terms of appointment, Contract, Conversion, Permanent appointment, Repeal, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Permanent, Procedure, Effective date, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (b), Status of complainant, Permanent functions, Jurisdictional recognition of rights
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Hugo G. Alemán v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)69
Keywords: Competence, Interpretation, Successive contracts, Cause of action, Costs, Equal treatment, Termination, Lack of evidence, Amendment, Terms of appointment, Acquired right, Post description, Contract, Conversion, Permanent appointment, Repeal, Acceptance, Fixed term, Permanent, Procedure, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Terminal entitlements, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, Status of complainant, General principle, Claim, Employment relationship, Permanent functions, Duration, Enforcement, Law of the contract, Legislative Body, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (c), Vexatious complaint
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