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María Elena Conley & Lucila Zambrana v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)32
Keywords: Post classification, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Parity with United Nations, Promotion, Contribution, Grade, Permanent Council Resolution - C-sa-716, Post review, Retirement and Pension Fund, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (b) (1976), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (c) (1976), Step
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Hernán Frías Morán v. Director General of the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences Judgment ,2139,2168,2177,2193,2204,2209,2224,2228,2238,2259,2266,2305,2314,2336,2362,2364,2373,2392,244

Document Code (Number)31
Keywords: Competence, Formal requirements, Interpretation, Breach, Complaint allowed in part, Costs, Damages, Discretion, Executive Head, General principles, Termination, Internal Appeal Body, Lack of evidence, Post description, Nullity, Contract, Non-renewal, Report, Salary, Disciplinary measure, Internal appeal, Permanent, Procedure, Due process, Equity, IICA - Staff Administration Manual, Two-year review (IICA)
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Frank Hebblethwaite, Thomas J. Stone, Carmen Castro, Teresa Findlay, Diana Martínez, and Marvin Broadbent v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States Judgment ,2077,2083,2110,2121,213

Document Code (Number)30
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Abolition of post, Quashing, Reassingment, Breach, Complaint allowed in part, Definition, General principles, Injury, Notification, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, International civil service principles, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Amendment, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Post description, Testimony, Contract, Law of contract, Balance of contractual obligations, General Standards - article 17 (b) (1973), Priority, Security of tenure, Seniority, Acceptance, ILO Administrative Tribunal - Judg. 61 (1962), International civil servant, Permanent, Transfer, Flaw, non-retroactivity, Suspensive action, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (1975), General Assembly - AG/RES.249 (VI-O/76), Budgetary reasons, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), General Standards - article 16 (a) (1976), Non-existing post, Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (a) (1975), Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (b) (1975), Statute - article II
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Paul J. Chrétien v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)29
Keywords: Abolition of post, Reassingment, Complaint allowed in part, Damages, Discretion, Executive Head, Injury, Procedural flaw, International civil service principles, Patere legem, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Omission, Reorganization, International civil servant, Limits, Statute - article VII.2, Procedure, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (1975), Executive Order No. 76-2, General Assembly - AG/RES.249 (VI-O/76), General Standards - article 11 (1976), General Standards - article 12 (1976)
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Enrique Méndez vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)28
Keywords: Charter of the OAS - article 119, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI.1, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI.2, Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (1975), General Standards - article 11, Cargos, Fundamentos jurídicos, Traslado, Secretario General - Facultades, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Descripción de funciones, Extensión del contrato
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Antonio Planells vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)27
Keywords: Permanent appointment, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (b) (1976), Staff Rules - rule 105.9 (d) (1975), Cargos, Fundamentos jurídicos, Reintegro del cargo, Contrato permanente, Naturaleza de la actividad laboral, Secretario General, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Contrato a término fijo, Regularización de cargos
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Ralph E. Getz vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)26
Keywords: Cargos, Derecho de desplazamiento, Fundamentos jurídicos, Reducción de personal, Reintegro del cargo, Traslado, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Reglamento de Personal - artículo 105.2 (1975), Reglamento de Personal - artículo 110.6 (i) (1975)
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Juan F. Bauta vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)25
Keywords: Cargos, Fundamentos jurídicos, Irretroactividad de la ley, Suspensión de reglamentación, Secretario General - Facultades, Comité de Selección de Personal, Servicio internacional de carrera, Igualdad de condiciones, Tercerías, Acción, Acción de grupo (class action), Edad máxima, Nombramiento, Orden Ejecutiva No. 75-9, Período de prueba, Reglamento de Personal - artículo 104.5 (b) (1976)
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Fernando Hernández de Agüero vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)24
Keywords: Cargos, Fundamentos jurídicos, Reintegro del cargo, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Cesación de servicios, Contrato a término fijo, Fuerza mayor, Normas Generales - artículo 51-52, Persina non grata, Reglamento de Personal - artículo 110.4 (1971), Reglamento de Personal - artículo 110.5 (1971), Rescisión contractual
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Sixto Alfredo Aquino vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)23
Keywords: Liquidación, Vacaciones
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