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G. Hugo Vivó v. Secretary General and Chairman of the Retirement and Pension Committee of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)10
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Exception, Formal requirements, Interpretation, Age limit, Breach, Complaint allowed in part, Compulsory retirement, Contributory service, Executive Head, Extension of services, Medical fitness, Notification, Policies and Procedures, Procedural flaw, Receivability, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI, Staff Rules - rule 109.3 (h) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.4 (a) (1971), Termination, Internal remedies exhausted, Patere legem, Acquired right, Language of rule, Legitimate expectation, Recommendation, Retirement and Pension Plan - section I, Rules of Procedure - article 11.2 (1972), Rules of Procedure - article 14.1 (1972), Rules of Procedure - article 22.1 (1972), Staff Rules - rule 109.3 (1971), Statute - article VI.1 (a)
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Héctor Obes Polleri vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)5
Keywords: Admisibilidad del recurso, Estatuto - artículo VI.2, Reglamento del Tribunal - artículo 12.3
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Juan F. Bauta y Delgado vs. Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)4
Keywords: Fundamentos jurídicos, Competencia, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Asociación de Personal, Comité de Personal, Tercerías, Plan de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Asamblea General - AG/RES.118, Consejo Permanente - CP/doc.576/73 corr., Consejo Permanente - CP/RES.51 (60/71), Normas transitorias
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Herbert N. Krebs G. vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)3
Keywords: Cargos, Reducción de personal, Reintegro del cargo, Secretario General - Facultades, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Oferta de empleo, Carta OEA - artículo 119, Comité de Desagravios, Reglamento de Personal - artículo 109.5 (h) (1971), Reglamento de Personal - artículo 109.5 (b) (1971)
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Héctor Obes Polleri v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)5
Keywords: Admissibility, Exception, Statute - article VI.4, Interpretation, Equal treatment, Receivability, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Analogy, Delay, Field, Health reasons, Illness, Rules of Procedure - article 12.3 (1972), Rules of Procedure - article 15.3 (1972), Rules of Procedure - article 20 (1972), Statute - article VI.2, Time bar, Time limit
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Juan F. Bauta y Delgado v. Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)4
Keywords: Competence, Interpretation, Breach, Cause of action, Injury, Receivability, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Lack of injury, Amendment, Challenge to rules and regulations, Class action, Domestic law, General Assembly - AG/RES.118 (III-O/73), Pension, Permanent Council - CP/RES.51 (60/71), Precedence of rules, Regulations, Staff Union, Statute - article II.1, Terms of appointment
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Herbert N. Krebs G. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)3
Keywords: Competence, Offer, Reassingment, Staff Rules - rule 109.5 (h) (1971), Breach, Cause of action, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Complaint allowed, Damages, Discretion, Executive Head, General principles, Injury, Procedural flaw, Termination, Advisory body, Advisory opinion, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Internal Appeal Body, Internal remedies exhausted, International civil service principles, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, Moral injury, Organization's duties, Patere legem, Protective principle, Reinstatement, Staff reduction
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Mayo E. Barrett vs. Secretario General y Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de la OEA

Document Code (Number)2
Keywords: Fundamentos jurídicos, Terminación de servicios, Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Compensación, Indemnización, Jubilación forzosa, Extensión del contrato, Costas del juicio, Honorarios de abogados, Recurrentes, Políticas y procedimientos, Improcedencia, Denegación, Rescisión contractual, Plan de Jubilaciones y Pensiones - sección VI.2, Comité de Desagravios, Jubilación diferida, Reglamento de Personal - artículo 109.4 (a) (1971), Plan de Jubilaciones y Pensiones - sección VI.1, Testigos, Plan de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Normas Generales - artículo 12, Normas Generales - artículo 55-56, Normas Generales - artículo 9, Pago, Reglamento de Personal - artículo 109.6 (a) (1971), Reglamento de Personal - artículo 109.7 (1971), Tribunal ONU
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Jorge Almada Morrison vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)1
Keywords: Cargos, Competencia, Secretario General, Excusación, Competencia temporal, Asociación de Personal, Comité de Personal, Funciones, Interposición del recurso, Consejo Permanente - CP/doc.126/71, rev. 1, Estatuto - artículo II.6, Normas Generales - artículo 38, Tribunal ONU, Derecho intertemporal, Estatuto - artículo II.4
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Mayo Edwin Barrett v. Secretary General and Chairman of the Retirement and Pension Committee of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)2
Keywords: Interpretation, Age discrimination, Age limit, Breach, Cause of action, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Compulsory retirement, Contributory service, Costs, Damages, Definition, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Extension of services, General principles, General Standards - article 12 (1971), General Standards - article 55 (1971), General Standards - article 56 (1971), General Standards - article 9 (1971), Injury, Medical fitness, Notification, Offensive expressions, Organization's interests, Policies and Procedures, Practice, Procedural flaw, Receivability, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI, Staff Rules - rule 109.3 (h) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.4 (a) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.4 (c) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.6 (a) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.7 (a) (1971), Termination, Unjust enrichment
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