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Francis G. Masson vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)62
Keywords: Payment, Statute - article VI.2, Contract, Revocación, Discrecionalidad, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Inadmisibilidad de recursos, Funciones, Excepción, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Nulidad, Preclusión, Prescripción, Cuestión previa, Decisiones administrativas, Impugnación, Liquidación, Staff Rules - rule 110.5, Reserva
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John McAdams, Gerardo A. Canet y Rosario V. Clauze vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)61
Keywords: Payment, Statute - article VI.2, Contract, Salary, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Inadmisibilidad de recursos, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Funciones, Recurso, Excepción, Expiration, Certeza jurídica, Exoneración, Extemporaneidad, Fuerza o coacción, Irrenunciabilidad de los derechos, Nulidad, Preclusión, Prescripción, Renuncia, Retroactivity
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John McAdams, Gerardo A. Canet, and Rosario V. Clauze v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)61
Keywords: Competence, Judgment, Right of appeal, Definition, Receivability, Payment, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Statute - article VI.2, Time limit, Binding character, Contract, Intention, Law of contract, Acceptance, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Lack of consent, Terminal entitlements, Execution, General principle, Contractual relations, Ex gratia, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Statement of intent, Unrelinquishability, Waiver, Worker's right
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Carmen Mallarino v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)60
Keywords: Competence, Exception, Interpretation, Successive contracts, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Definition, Executive Head, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Terms of appointment, Post description, Previous question, Contract, Non-renewal, Working relations, Salary, Scale, Fixed term, Permanent, Probation, Short term contract, Work appraisal, Creation of post, General Standards - article 11, Staff member's duties, Terminal entitlements, Post, Staff member, Fringe benefits, General Standards, Career, Status of complainant, General principle, General Standards - article 1, Charter of the OAS, Dissenting opinion, Employment, Employment relationship, General Standards - article 11 (b), General Standards - article 11 (e), General Standards - article 16, In dubio pro operario, OAS, Performance contract, Permanent functions, Subordination, Supervisor, Working hours
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Michael Zuntz v. Secretary General and Retirement and Pension committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)57
Keywords: Age limit, Breach, Compulsory retirement, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Plan, Domestic law, Contract, General Standards, Status of complainant
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Enrique Méndez v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)55
Keywords: Decision, Formal requirements, Abolition of post, Offer, Quashing, Reassingment, Breach, Executive Head, Procedural flaw, Termination, Advisory body, Advisory opinion, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Reinstatement, Staff reduction, Recommendation, Contract, Equality of conditions, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, Statute - article VII.2, Flaw, Grade, Post, Duty to comply, Reconstruction of career, Reduction in force, Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (b)(i), Staff Rules - rule 110.6, Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (i)(i), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (i)(ii)
Documents to download:

Ovidio Martínez v. Secretary General and Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)54
Keywords: Age limit, Breach, Compulsory retirement, Executive Head, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Committee, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Contract, Procedure, Applicable law
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Fernando Hernández de Agüero v. Secretary General and Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)52
Keywords: Competence, Age limit, Breach, Compulsory retirement, Executive Head, Receivability, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Contract, Non-renewal, Fixed term, Permanent, Member State, Statute - article II, Applicable law
Documents to download:

Fernando Hernández de Agüero v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)51
Keywords: Judgment, Age limit, Extension of services, Notification, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI, Termination, Burden of proof, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Reinstatement, Staff Union, Terms of appointment, Contract, Intention, Law of contract, Non-renewal, Acceptance, Fixed term, Permanent, Terminal entitlements, Complainant, Fringe benefits, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (b) (i), Collective bargaining, Execution, General Standards - article 56 (d), Separation from service, Staff Rules - rule 110.2 (a)
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John McAdams vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)41
Keywords: Contract, Permanent Council - CP/RES.24, Fundamentos jurídicos, Terminación de servicios, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Acuerdo transaccional, Cesación de servicios, Compensación, Indemnización, Novación, Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (1971), Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (1975), Staff Rules - rule 114.1 (1975), Staff Rules - rule 114.1 (1976), Unión Panamericana
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