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Document Code (Number)136
Keywords: Candidate, Contract, Appointment, Statute - article II, Cargos, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Antigüedad, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Audiencia, Reconsideración, Secretario General, Cargo vacante, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Procedimiento administrativo, Indemnización, Servicio internacional de carrera, Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 1, Acto administrativo, Decisiones administrativas, Oferta de empleo, Right of staff members, Statute - article VI.1, Daños y perjuicios, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Vicio procesal, Estabilidad laboral, Derecho de defensa, Funcionario de carrera internacional, Error de procedimiento, Comité Asesor de Selección y Ascensos, Selección, Carga de la prueba, Carrera administrativa, Omisión, Separación del servicio, Buena fe, Solicitud de audiencia, Trato preferencial, General Standards - article 12 (b), General Standards - article 18 (a)(v), General Standards - article 41, General Standards - article 53 (b), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (d), Derecho a postularse, Desplazamiento de funcionario, Justificación, Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (a)(i)
Documents to download:

Oscar E. Chávez vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)128
Keywords: Reducción de personal, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Reclasificación de cargos, Secretario General, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Auditoría de cargo, Descripción de funciones, Servicio internacional de carrera, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Enriquecimiento ilícito, Subsidio, Nulidad, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, Acción administrativa, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Dictamen pericial, Interrupción, Statute - article VI.3, Charter of the OAS - article 118, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (f), Staff Rules - rule 113.4, Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (b), Comité ad hoc, Procedimiento ad hoc, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (d), Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (b), Auditor, Statute - article V, Revisión del cargo
Documents to download:

Manuel Díaz-Franjul vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)127
Keywords: Statute - article VII, Statute - article II, Reducción de personal, Competencia, Reclasificación de cargos, Secretario General, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Auditoría de cargo, Indemnización, Descripción de funciones, Servicio internacional de carrera, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Enriquecimiento ilícito, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Subsidio, Nulidad, Retroactivity, Decisiones administrativas, Jerarquía normativa, Daños y perjuicios, Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Dictamen pericial, Comité Asesor de Selección y Ascensos, Statute - article VI.3, General Assembly - AG/RES.954 (XVIII-O/88), Proceso de clasificación, Sistema de clasificación de cargos, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (g), Staff Rules - rule 113.4, Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (b), Charter of the OAS - article 31, Charter of the OAS - article 3, Comité ad hoc, Procedimiento ad hoc, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (d), Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (b), Salario justo
Documents to download:

José N. Zapata v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)129
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Statute - article I, Application, Quashing, Cause of action, Costs, Evidence, Classification standards, Post description, Vacancy, Statute - article VII, Allowance, Procedure, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Complainant, Assignment, Expert, Internal remedies, Post, Staff Rules, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (c), Statute, General Standards, General Standards - article 1, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Supervisor, Tribunal, Award, Final decision, Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Insubordination, Expert opinion, Classification, Rules of Procedure, Staff Rules - rule 112, Statute - article VI.3, Secretary General, Hearing, Reconsideration Committee, Reconsideration, Career service personnel, Compensatory damages, Charter of the OAS - article 118 (b), General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (b), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (e), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (i), Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (a)
Documents to download:

Oscar E. Chávez v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)128
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Abolition of post, Application, Quashing, Cause of action, Costs, Unjust enrichment, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Staff reduction, Classification standards, Post description, Nullity, Statute - article VII, Allowance, Procedure, Due process, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Complainant, Expert, Internal remedies, Audit of post, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, International civil service, Special post allowance, Supervisor, Tribunal, Award, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii), Final decision, Expert opinion, Statute - article VI.3, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Prescription, Secretary General, Hearing, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (c), Professional experience, Compensatory damages, Ad hoc Committee, Ad hoc proceedings, Charter of the OAS - article 118 (b), Expert witness, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (g), Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (f), Staff Rules - rule 113.4, Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (b)
Documents to download:

Manuel Díaz-Franjul v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)127
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Statute - article I, Application, Quashing, Cause of action, Costs, Unjust enrichment, Payment, Appraisal of evidence, Staff reduction, Classification standards, Post description, Nullity, Competition, Salary, Statute - article VII, Allowance, Procedure, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Complainant, Assignment, Expert, Internal remedies, Post, Audit, Audit of post, Staff Rules, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Statute, General Standards, General Standards - article 1, International civil service, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Charter of the OAS, OAS, Supervisor, Retroactivity, Award, Compensation, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii), Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Professional, Expert opinion, Classification, Rules of Procedure, Statute - article VI.3, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Prescription, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Hearing, Academic requirements, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (c), Professional experience, Charter of the OAS - article 3 (k), Compensatory damages, Ad hoc Committee, Ad hoc proceedings, Challenge of expert, Charter of the OAS - article 118 (b), Charter of the OAS - article 3 (i), Charter of the OAS - article 33 (g), Expert witness, Fair salary, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (g), Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (f), Staff Rules - rule 113.4
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