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Alfredo Rebolledo A. et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)90
Keywords: Decision, Post adjustment, Judgment, Judicial review, Complaint allowed, Discretion, Executive Head, Appraisal of evidence, Field, Expert inquiry, Testimony, Contract, Balance of contractual obligations, Acceptance, Report, Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Salary, Limits, Lack of consent, Complainant, Expert, Staff Rules, Execution, General principle, Complaint, Employment, Employment relationship, Reduction, Base salary, Further submissions, Staff Rules - rule 103.2
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Anna Chisman et al. George P. Montalván et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)64
Keywords: Decision, Post adjustment, Competence, Interpretation, Offer, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Executive Head, Injury, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, Amendment, Challenge to rules and regulations, Precedence of rules, Terms of appointment, Language of rule, Binding character, Contract, Intention, Repeal, Acceptance, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Negligence, non-retroactivity, General Standards - article 11, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), Statute - article II, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Right, Permanent Council, Staff Rules, Duty to comply, General Standards, International career service, Complainant's right, Collective bargaining, General principle, Staff member's interest, Staff regulations and rules, Employment relationship, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Abstract challenge, Contractual obligations, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.436 (IX-O/79), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), General Standards - article 52 (g), Separation of powers, Staff Union Agreement, Working conditions
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John McAdams v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)41
Keywords: General principles, Organization's interests, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Organization's duties, Terms of appointment, Contract, Law of contract, Acceptance, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Agreed termination, General decision, General Standards - article 51 (f), Permanent Council - CP/RES.24 (32/70), Staff member's duties, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Staff Rules - rule 114.1, Terminal entitlements
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Xavier Cortina et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)38
Keywords: Post adjustment, Executive Head, General principles, Appraisal of evidence, Terms of appointment, Law of contract, Acceptance, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), General Assembly - AG/RES.147 (IV-O/74), Administration instruction, Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (1971), Staff Rules - rule 103.2 (1971)
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Antonio Martínez Comolli v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)17
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Application, Offer, Quashing, Complaint allowed in part, Damages, General principles, Notification, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Lack of evidence, Moral injury, Amendment, Terms of appointment, Testimony, Contract, Good faith, Law of contract, Acceptance, Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Interest on damages, Disciplinary measure, Fixed term
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Braulio O. Alaniz, Elbio Arias, Gualberto R. Cuenca, Lylian Millán, and María Emilia López Bartibás v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)13
Keywords: Competence, Offer, Breach, Executive Head, General principles, Terms of appointment, Acquired right, Expert inquiry, Contract, Intention, Acceptance, Administration, Currency of payment, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Irreducibility of salary, Local status, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Remand, Salary, Scale
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