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Rudolph García v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)134
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Denial, Statute - article I, Costs, Damages, Organization's interests, Procedural flaw, Retirement, Payment, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Pension, Annual leave, Contract, Statute - article VII, Flaw, Statute - article II, Retirement and Pension Fund, Statute - article VI, Tax, Complainant, Internal remedies, Staff Rules, Statute, Separation from service, Pension entitlements, Undue enrichment, Contractual obligations, Tribunal, Award, Final decision, Staff Rules - rule 112.5 (j), Organization, Staff Rules - rule 112.5, Staff Rules - rule 112, Statute - article VI.3, Statute - article VII.4, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Financial interests, Interest, Compensatory damages, Financial obligations, Leave
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Sirvart Kouyoumdjian v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)94
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Formal requirements, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Application, Quashing, Costs, Discretion, Executive Head, Practice, Procedural flaw, Receivability, Burden of proof, Evidence, Internal Appeal Body, Internal remedies exhausted, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, Time bar, Time limit, Mistake, Classification standards, Expert inquiry, Post description, Previous question, Testimony, Nullity, Omission, Bias, Intention, Report, Administration, Salary, Promotion, Internal appeal, Procedure, Administration instruction, Right, Expert, Internal remedies, Post, Audit, Audit of post, Staff Rules, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (c), General Standards, Date of notification, General principle, Complaint, Equal pay for equal work, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Undue enrichment, Dissenting opinion, Supervisor, Statement of intent, Waiver, Reckoning, Administrative act, Classification, General Standards - article 33, Pas de nullité sans grief, Personnel circular, Preliminary acts, Rules of Procedure, Rules of Procedure - article 12, Salary difference, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (a), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (b)
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Carlota J. reeve v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)59
Keywords: Post classification, Interpretation, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Equal treatment, Unjust enrichment, International civil service principles, Acquired right, Post description, Law of contract, Seniority, Vacancy, Irreducibility of salary, Salary, Adversarial proceeding, Due process, non-retroactivity, Equity, Post, Staff Rules, General principle, International civil service, Complaint, Double jeopardy, Equal pay for equal work, Lex superior, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Undue enrichment
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