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Oscar E. Chávez v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)128
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Abolition of post, Application, Quashing, Cause of action, Costs, Unjust enrichment, Appraisal of evidence, Evidence, Staff reduction, Classification standards, Post description, Nullity, Statute - article VII, Allowance, Procedure, Due process, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Complainant, Expert, Internal remedies, Audit of post, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, International civil service, Special post allowance, Supervisor, Tribunal, Award, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii), Final decision, Expert opinion, Statute - article VI.3, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Prescription, Secretary General, Hearing, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (c), Professional experience, Compensatory damages, Ad hoc Committee, Ad hoc proceedings, Charter of the OAS - article 118 (b), Expert witness, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (g), Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (f), Staff Rules - rule 113.4, Staff Rules - rule 103.7 (b)
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Manuel Díaz-Franjul v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)127
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Statute - article I, Application, Quashing, Cause of action, Costs, Unjust enrichment, Payment, Appraisal of evidence, Staff reduction, Classification standards, Post description, Nullity, Competition, Salary, Statute - article VII, Allowance, Procedure, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Complainant, Assignment, Expert, Internal remedies, Post, Audit, Audit of post, Staff Rules, Staff Rules - rule 102.3, Statute, General Standards, General Standards - article 1, International civil service, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Charter of the OAS, OAS, Supervisor, Retroactivity, Award, Compensation, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii), Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Professional, Expert opinion, Classification, Rules of Procedure, Statute - article VI.3, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Prescription, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Hearing, Academic requirements, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (c), Professional experience, Charter of the OAS - article 3 (k), Compensatory damages, Ad hoc Committee, Ad hoc proceedings, Challenge of expert, Charter of the OAS - article 118 (b), Charter of the OAS - article 3 (i), Charter of the OAS - article 33 (g), Expert witness, Fair salary, General Standards - article 12 (b), Rules of Procedure - article 17.2, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (f), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (g), Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (f), Staff Rules - rule 113.4
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Jairo Torres et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)124
Keywords: Decision, Post adjustment, Competence, Formal requirements, Motion to dismiss, Res judicata, Right of appeal, Statute - article I, Breach, Cause of action, Damages, Discretion, Notification, Receivability, Unjust enrichment, Payment, Evidence, Organization's duties, Staff reduction, Class action, Terms of appointment, Time limit, Statute - article VI.1 (a), Testimony, Annual leave, Contract, Good faith, Law of contract, Irreducibility of salary, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Force majeure, Member State, Procedure, Due process, Action, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, General Assembly, United Nations, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Salary scale, Right, Assignment, Internal remedies, Post, Staff member, Staff Rules, Statute, Collective bargaining, Separation from service, Charter of the OAS, OAS, Ex gratia, Waiver, Benefit, Retroactivity, Contractual obligations, Tribunal, Rules of Procedure - article 22, Statute - article VI.1, Compensation, Staff Rules - rule 103.11 (ii), Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Power of attorney, Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Budget, Collective rights, Organization, Comparator system, Cost-of-living adjustment, Referendum, Staff Rules - rule 112.2 (g), Rules of Procedure, Sovereignty, Staff Rules - rule 112, Capacity, Identical claims, Identical facts, Identical parties, American Convention on Human Rights, Quotas, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Cost-of-living, Extinguishment of rights, Public order, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Hearing, Administrative decision, Attorney's fees, Charter of the OAS - article 125, Reconsideration Committee, Facts, Failure to exercise a right, Financial interests, Interest, Attributions, Charter of the OAS - article 112, Charter of the OAS - article 53, Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs, Compound acts, Contractual rights, Contrary action, Juridical person, Obligations, Policy, Reconsideration, Regular fund, Salaries and Benefits Committee, Spending, Staff Association
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Carlota J. reeve v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)59
Keywords: Post classification, Interpretation, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Equal treatment, Unjust enrichment, International civil service principles, Acquired right, Post description, Law of contract, Seniority, Vacancy, Irreducibility of salary, Salary, Adversarial proceeding, Due process, non-retroactivity, Equity, Post, Staff Rules, General principle, International civil service, Complaint, Double jeopardy, Equal pay for equal work, Lex superior, Special post allowance, Staff Rules - rule 103.7, Undue enrichment
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Richard A. Ogle v., Director General of the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Document Code (Number)34
Keywords: Interpretation, Breach, Costs, Unjust enrichment, Lack of evidence, Terms of appointment, Language of rule, Liability, Contract, Intention, Acceptance, Allowance, Repatriation, Transfer, IICA - Staff Administration Manual, Dependent, Duty station, Installation allowance, Personnel effects, Place of origin, Recovery of overpayment, Refund, Removal expenses, Resignation, Transport expenses
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Mayo Edwin Barrett v. Secretary General and Chairman of the Retirement and Pension Committee of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)2
Keywords: Interpretation, Age discrimination, Age limit, Breach, Cause of action, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Compulsory retirement, Contributory service, Costs, Damages, Definition, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Extension of services, General principles, General Standards - article 12 (1971), General Standards - article 55 (1971), General Standards - article 56 (1971), General Standards - article 9 (1971), Injury, Medical fitness, Notification, Offensive expressions, Organization's interests, Policies and Procedures, Practice, Procedural flaw, Receivability, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section VI, Staff Rules - rule 109.3 (h) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.4 (a) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.4 (c) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.6 (a) (1971), Staff Rules - rule 109.7 (a) (1971), Termination, Unjust enrichment
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