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Review of Judgment No. 124 Jairo Torres et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)126
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Judgment, Cause of action, Costs, Discretion, Statute - article VI.2, Omission, Negligence, Statute - article VII, Flaw, Action, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Withdrawal of complaint, Right, Internal remedies, Status of complainant, Tribunal, Rules of Procedure - article 22, Award, Cost-of-living adjustment, Statute - article IX, Staff Rules - rule 112, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Administrative flaw, Inadmissible grounds for review, Review of jugments, Failure to exercise a right, Due diligence, General Standards - article 61, Rules of Procedure - article 14.2, Third party intervention
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Jorge A. Thevenet v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)43
Keywords: Post classification, Competence, Res judicata, Right of appeal, Abolition of post, Statute - article II.6, Breach, Procedural flaw, Receivability, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Lack of evidence, Terms of appointment, Statute - article VI.2, Time bar, Time limit, Correction of complaint, Contract, New claim, Flaw, Vague claim, Complainant, Settlement out of court, Withdrawal of complaint
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