All Groups in Situations of Vulnerability Publications
November, 2023
Practical Guide of Inclusive Response with a Rights Aproach to COVID-19 in the Americas
This publication is available only in Spanish
December, 2022
SARE Management Report 2022
American and African continents
December, 2021
Regional Report on the Situation of People of African Descent 2021
Regional Report on the Situation of People of African Descent and the Progress in Implementing the Plan of Action for the Decade of People of African Descent in the Americas (2016-2025)
Young girl with a protective mask, title, OAS logo
December, 2021
Youth in Situation of Vulnerability and COVID-19
(Only in Spanish) Technical Notes Series about Social Inclusion and Access to Rights
May, 2021
Digital Accessibility in the Era of COVID-19 and its Effects in the Americas
Available only in Spanish
May, 2021
Digital Accessibility in the Era of COVID-19 and its Effects in the Americas
Available only in Spanish
May, 2021
Compendium of legal frameworks of 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean on the rights of people with disabilities
Available only in Spanish
Logo youth, Peace and Security, logo OAS, title
December, 2020
Youth, Peace and Security in the Americas: Risks and Opportunities for Central American and Caribbean Youth
A contribution to the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security mandated by Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015)
Profile  of an Afro descendant women
December, 2017
The agenda of activism of Afro-descendant Women in Latin America
This report is only available in Spanish
December, 2016
Learning and teaching about the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
This publication is available only in Spanish
American and African continent in white and orange, title, OAS logo
December, 2016
Action Plan for the Decade of People of African Descent in the Americas (2016-2025)
Resolution 2891 of the General Assembly
May, 2015
Regional diagnosis on the exercise of legal capacity of people with disabilities
Available only in Spanish