Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS

Since its foundation, the Organization of American States (OAS) has a long history of cooperation with national and international institutions in order to strengthen peace and security in the Hemisphere, consolidate democracy and promote economic, social and cultural development. In 1999, the OAS Permanent Council adopted the "Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities" that regulate the participation of non-state actors in the political bodies and in the decision-making process of the Organization so that the OAS could benefit from the significant contributions that CSOs can make to its work.

These Guidelines contained in document CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) establish the Registry of Civil Society Organizations in the OAS and allow CSOs to become part of a network of organizations that work in the different thematic areas of interest for the Member States of the Organization. The Registry facilitates the exchange of information and experiences that enrich the design of governmental policies through the organized participation and dialogue between CSOs, governments and inter-American and international organizations. There are currently 465 CSOs registered in the OAS.

Civil society organizations registered in the OAS can:

  • Participate in public meetings of the Permanent Council, the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), and their subsidiary bodies;
  • Provide input by means of written documents on questions thematically relevant to meetings of the Permanent Council or CIDI, preferably not to exceed 2,000 words (texts exceeding 2,000 words must be accompanied by executive summaries, which the General Secretariat shall distribute). Likewise, the CSO may give a presentation at the beginning of the deliberations, with prior approval from the relevant Committee of the Permanent Council or CIDI;
  • Access draft resolutions and/or resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and authorization to comment on them;
  • Receive the resolutions adopted by the OAS General Assembly at its annual regular session;
  • With the Chair's authorization, participate in closed meetings of the Permanent Council, CIDI and their political bodies;
  • Receipt of documents in advance of the meetings of the working groups or specialized groups of the Permanent Council or CIDI. With prior authorization, CSOs may make a statement and have it distributed to Member States in order to consider the issue;
  • Apply for funding from the Specific Fund to Support the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities and in the Summits of the Americas Process.