Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS
List of Registered Organizations
Organizations registered with the OAS
Acción Ecuménica

Executive director:José Manuel Larreal
Work areas:Integral development: Education; social developement ; Health
Email:[email protected]
Address:Calle Norte 10, San Vicente a Medina, num. 139
Apartado Postal 6314 (Carmelitas) – Caracas 1010-A Venezuela
Phone:58- 212-860-1548
Date of registry:November 4, 2004

Asociación Civil Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia

Executive Director:Carlos Eduardo Ponce
Work areas:Human rights
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Boulevard de Sabana Grande, Calles Lincoln y Chacaito Edificio Unión, Piso 9, Ofic. 94, Caracas, Venezuela
Phone:58212) 5737367 – 5774380
(58212) 5740630 (fax)
Date of registry:February 26, 2003

Asociación Civil Crédito Educacional (EDUCREDITO A.C.)

President:Luisa Mariana Pulido de Sucre
Work areas:Integral development : Education
Email:[email protected]
Address:Av. Andrés Bello, Edificio Las Fundaciones.
Piso 8, Oficina 806, Caracas.
Phone:(582) 572-5287/ 6101
(582) 572-2332 (fax)
Date of registry:May 7, 2003

Asociación Civil Justicia Alternativa

General director:Wigberto Yboset Socorro Quintero
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; conflict resolution / integral development: social/economic development
Email:[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
Address:San Vicente, Calle Maracay, No. 44
Maracay, Estado Aragua-Venezuela
Date of registry:May 25, 2006

Asociación Civil Mujer y Ciudadanía

President:Ana Mercedes Brillembourg
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / Human rights: Gender / integral development: Education; social development

Email:[email protected]
Address:Avenida Circunvalación del Sol, Quinta San José, Urb. Santa Paula, Municipio Baruta, Estado Miranda, C.P. 1061
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Phone:(58) 212-9862472 / 9856206 / 04143385103
Date of registry:November 15, 2011

Asociación de Reciclaje y Producción Limpia. Red de Educación y Tecnología

President:Humberto Luis Martínez
Work areas:Integral development : sosteinable development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Centro Uslar, Piso 1 Oficina 12, Montalbán, Caracas-Venezuela
Phone:021 241 728 85; 042 425 480 72; 041 662 537 59
Date of registry:April 20, 2011

Asociación para el Desarrollo de Educación Complementaria (ASODECO)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive directorNelly Goncalves
Work areas:People with disabilities; integraldevelopment : education, formation, inclusión  social and laboral inclusion
Email:[email protected]
Address:Avenida de Las Minas, Quinta Las Helenas, Lomas de La Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela
Phone:02129430712 / 9414358
Date of registry:August 12, 2021

Asociación Nacional de Redes y Organizaciones Sociales
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

General director:Germán Ferrer
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / integral development: social development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Centro Profesional del Este, Piso 10, Oficina 102
Calle Villaflor, Sabana Grande
Caracas, Venezuela 1050
Phone:58212-761-1041 / 763-1551
Date of registry:April 20, 2011

Asociación Venezolana de Mujeres
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

General director:María Boccalandro de Mirabal
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / Human rights : Gender 
Email:[email protected], [email protected]
Address:Avenida Presidente Medina con Av. María Teresa Toro,
Edificio Asociación Venezolana de Mujeres. Urb. Las Acacias, Municipio Libertador, del Distrito Capital
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Date of registry:April 12, 2006

Confederación Interamericana de Relaciones Públicas
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Julio Corredor
Work areas:Integral development
Email:[email protected] [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Centro comercial “Los Chaguaramos”. Avenida Edison. Piso 16. Oficina 5. Los Chaguaramos.
Caracas, Venezuela
Phone:58 212 – 693 8321
58 212 – 945 2458
58 212 – 941 5613
Date of registry:May 25, 2006

Confederación Venezolana de Industriales

President:Eduardo Gomez Sigala
Work areas:Integral development: Employment
Email:[email protected]
Address:Ave. Araure (Principal de Chuao) Edif. CIEMI Caracas 1061 Venezuela
Phone:(58-212) 991-2116
Date of registry:April 10, 2007

Consejo Nacional del Comercio y los Servicios

President:Mauricio Tancredi
Work Areas:Democracy: citizen participation / integral development: social/economic development
Email:[email protected]
Adrress:Edificio Cámara de Comercio de Caracas – Piso 6 Avenida Andrés Eloy Blanco – No 215 Los Caobos Caracas, Venezuela
Date of registry:January 9, 2007

Fundación Eugenio Mendoza

President:Luisa Mariana Pulido
Work areas:Integral development
Email:; [email protected]:

[email protected]

Address:Av. Andrés Bello, Edificio Las Fundaciones. Piso 9 - Apartado 332
Caracas 1010 – A, Venezuela
Phone:(58 – 212) 573 6380
(58 – 212) 573 6319
Date of registry:April 28, 2010

Fundación Latinoamericana por los Derechos Humanos y el Desarrollo Social
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Hermana Eugenia Russián Solé
Work areas:Human rights / Integral development:  Social development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Final Av. Alameda, El Rosal Apartado Postal #68146
Caracas 1062, Venezuela
Date of registry: April 25, 2007

Fundación Venezuela Propositiva
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Geraldina de Sousa Couto
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; integral development : social/economic development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Calle Bolívar Qta. Santa Clara No. 528-1511
Sector El Nazareno Mirador del Este, El Llanito Petare Caracas, Venezuela.
Phone:58-212-256-2875, 58-412-205-8297/58-414-291-8993
Date of registry:April 5, 2006

Fundación Wayuunaiki
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Jayariyu Farías
Work areasIntegral development: Human development; social development / human rights: Gender; youth and childhood; indigenous populations
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Calle 72 con AV. 19 sector Paraíso Edificio NOEL, piso 3 oficina F Maracaibo – Edo. Zulia Venezuela
Phone:+ (58) 414 6321312
Date of registry:February 22, 2012

Fundadown Venezuela
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Ana Beatriz Villegas de Seif
Work areas:rights for people with disabilities

Email:[email protected]
Phone:+ 212 514 7075 / + 212 914 8662
Date of registry:April 14, 202

Gente de Soluciones

Legal representative:Diana Beaujon 
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; Transparency governance

Email:[email protected]; [email protected];

Address:Avenida Bolívar, PB Edificio Cámara de Comercio Valencia, Estado Carabobo República Bolivariana de Venezuela Código postal: 2001
Date of registry:May 25, 2006

Instituto de Desarrollo Humano y Economía Social
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Lourdes Alcalá
Work areas:integral development: human development ; social/economic development; Turism; Employment

Email:[email protected]
Address:Calle Pedroza, Edificio Beli Planta Baja, La Florida Caracas, Venezuela
Date of registry:April 10, 2007

Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Políticos
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Francine Jácome
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation/ integral and social development

Email:[email protected]
Address:Qta. Marielvi, Avenida Gil Fortoul, Santa Mónica, Caracas Venezuela
Phone:+58212 661-96-06
Date of registry:April 28, 2010

Transparencia Venezuela
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Mercedes De Freitas
Work areas:Democracy: promovte transparency and reduce the risks of government corruption

Email:[email protected]
Address:Av. Andrés Eloy Blanco. Edf. Cámara de Comercio de Caracas, piso 2. Ofc 2,15. Los Caobos. Caracas, Venezuela. 1050
Phone:+ (58 212) 5733134
Date of registry:May 25, 2018

Fundación Vida Verde – FUNDAVIVE

President:Manuel Díaz
Work areas:Sosteinable development and  

Email:[email protected]
Address:Urb. Trigal Centro, Calle Salom Qta. 96-30, Valencia, Edo, Carabobo, Venezuela
Phone:+58 414 5848207
Date of registry: March 12, 2020